Real Time For the Masses goes multi-core

June 23, 2019 by Jorge Aparicio

v0.5.0 of Real Time For the Masses (RTFM), the embedded concurrency framework, is coming out soon-ish – some time after Rust 1.36 is released – and will include experimental support for homogeneous and heterogeneous multi-core Cortex-M devices. This blog post covers the upcoming multi-core API and includes a refresher on the single-core API.

Heterogeneous support in μAMP

But first, one update relevant to multi-core RTFM from the μAMP (microamp) front since the last post: cargo-microamp has gained support for heterogeneous multi-core devices. The --target flag can now be used to specify the compilation target of each core and these targets can be different – that’s how μAMP supports heterogeneous devices.

I have written some μAMP examples for the LPC54114, a microcontroller which has one ARM Cortex-M4F core and one Cortex-M0+ core; you can find them here.

For those not familiar with the rustc compilation targets for Cortex-M cores: one uses the thumbv7em-none-eabihf target for Cortex-M4F cores and thumbv6m-none-eabi for Cortex-M0+ cores. The difference between these two targets is that the former has FPU (Floating Point Unit) and CAS (Compare And Swap) instructions 1 in its instruction set that the latter doesn’t have. As the thumbv6m-none-eabi target doesn’t have FPU instructions math involving single precision floats (f32) is emulated and super slow.

Here’s the mutex example I presented in the last post but ported to this heterogeneous device:


use core::sync::atomic::{self, Ordering};

use cortex_m::asm;
#[cfg(core = "0")]
use cortex_m::iprintln;
use lpc541xx as _;
use microamp::shared;
use panic_halt as _;

// non-atomic variable
#[shared] // <- means: same memory location on all the cores
static mut SHARED: u64 = 0;

// used to synchronize access to `SHARED`; this is a memory mapped register
const MAILBOX_MUTEX: *mut u32 = 0x4008_b0f8 as *mut u32;

// entry point for both cores
unsafe extern "C" fn main() -> ! {
    // only core #0 has a functional ITM
    #[cfg(core = "0")]
    let mut itm = cortex_m::Peripherals::take().unwrap().ITM;

    let mut done = false;
    while !done {
        while MAILBOX_MUTEX.read_volatile() == 0 {
            // busy wait while the lock is held by the other core

        // we acquired the lock; now we have exclusive access to `SHARED`
            let shared = &mut SHARED;

            if *shared >= 10 {
                // stop at some arbitrary point
                done = true;
            } else {
                *shared += 1;

                // log a message through the stimulus port #0
                #[cfg(core = "0")]
                iprintln!(&mut itm.stim[0], "[0] SHARED = {}", *shared);

        // release the lock to unblock the other core

        // artificial delay to let the *other* core take the lock
        for _ in 0..1_000 {

    #[cfg(core = "0")]
    iprintln!(&mut itm.stim[0], "[0] DONE");

    loop {}

In this example both cores access and increase the value of a shared static variable; access to the variable is synchronized using a mutex. As I mentioned above, the Cortex-M0+ core has no CAS instructions so we can’t use the AtomicU8::compare_and_exchange API this time. The vendor provides a memory mapped register that provides mutex functionality though so we use that instead.

We use the latest cargo-microamp to build this program for two different compilation targets.

$ cargo microamp \
    --example mutex \
    --target thumbv7em-none-eabihf,thumbv6m-none-eabi \

This subcommand produces two ELF images; note the different compilation targets in their paths.

$ ( cd target && size */release/examples/mutex-{0,1} )
   text    data     bss     dec     hex filename
   3796       8       4    3808     ee0 thumbv7em-none-eabihf/release/examples/mutex-0
    376       8       0     384     180 thumbv6m-none-eabi/release/examples/mutex-1

Looking at the ELF tags confirms that the images use different instruction sets and calling conventions (hardfp vs softfp).

$ readelf -A target/*/release/examples/mutex-{0,1}

File: target/thumbv7em-none-eabihf/release/examples/mutex-0
Attribute Section: aeabi
File Attributes
  Tag_CPU_arch: v7E-M
  Tag_CPU_arch_profile: Microcontroller
  Tag_THUMB_ISA_use: Thumb-2
  Tag_FP_arch: VFPv4-D16
  Tag_ABI_HardFP_use: SP only
  Tag_ABI_VFP_args: VFP registers
  Tag_CPU_unaligned_access: v6
  Tag_FP_HP_extension: Allowed

File: target/thumbv6m-none-eabi/release/examples/mutex-1
Attribute Section: aeabi
File Attributes
  Tag_CPU_arch: v6S-M
  Tag_CPU_arch_profile: Microcontroller
  Tag_THUMB_ISA_use: Thumb-1
  Tag_CPU_unaligned_access: None

Loading the program – which is a bit more involved than building it – and running it produces the following output.

$ # Output of the ITM stimulus port #0
$ # (port-demux is part of the itm-tools crate --
$ port-demux -f -r0 /dev/ttyUSB0
[0] SHARED = 2
[0] SHARED = 4
[0] SHARED = 6
[0] SHARED = 8
[0] SHARED = 10
[0] DONE

The single-core API

Before we dive into multi-core RTFM I want to go over the core features of single-core RTFM with an example. This serves two purposes: (a) it will get you up to speed with RTFM if you are not familiar with it (or will serve as a refresher if you have seen it or used it before) and (b) I’ll use the single-core API / syntax as a reference for the multi-core API / syntax. If you are familiar with RTFM feel free to skim over this section or directly jump to the next one.

An example

This is the context for the example application:

You have a microcontroller connected to an external radio (e.g. a 802.15.4 one). The microcontroller receives command packets over this radio and performs actions (like turning lights on / off) in response to the packets. The external radio has limited memory and can only hold a single incoming packet in memory. Until this packet is read out the radio will refuse to receive new packets leading to packet loss.

Now let’s look at the code:

NB: At the time of writing the syntax of the RTFM DSL is still being actively discussed so all the examples in this post may not match the final syntax. When v0.5.0 is out I’ll come back and update these examples.


// heapless = "0.5.0-alpha.2"
use heapless::{
    pool::singleton::{Box, Pool},

use owning_slice::OwningSliceTo; // like `x[..end]` but by value

// panic-halt = "0.2.0"
use panic_halt as _; // panic handler

// Declare a lock-free memory pool that manages memory blocks of 128 bytes each
pool!(P: [u8; 128]);

#[rtfm::app(device = stm32f103xx)]
const APP: () = {
    /* Resources used by the tasks */
    // Abstraction for an external radio; it will be initialized in `init`
    static mut RADIO: Radio = ();

    // Initialization phase; runs before any task can start
    fn init(c: init::Context) -> init::LateResources {
        static mut M: [u8; 512] = [0; 512];

        // initialize the pool with enough memory for 4 blocks
        // (`M` actually has type `&'static mut [u8; 512]` due to macro expansion)

        // omitted: initialization of peripherals

        init::LateResources {
            // initial value for  the `RADIO` resource
            RADIO: radio,

    /* Tasks */
    // hardware task bound to interrupt signal `EXTI0`
    // signal `EXTI0` fires when a new packet can be read from the external radio
        binds = EXTI0,
        priority = 2,
        resources = [RADIO], // only this task has access to the `RADIO`
        spawn = [process_packet], // tasks this task can spawn
    fn on_new_packet(c: on_new_packet::Context) {
        // proxy for the packet we just received
        // it has some info like the size of the packet but not the actual contents
        let mut next_packet = c.resources.RADIO.next_packet();

        if let Some(buffer) = P::alloc() {
            // read the packet contents
            let packet =;

            // the radio can start receiving a new packet at this point

            // spawn a new instance of the software task and send the packet to it
            let _ = c.spawn.process_packet(packet);
            //  ^ (ignore the `Result`;  this operation will never error)
        } else {
            // not enough memory to read this packet ATM
            // discard it so the radio can start receiving a new packet
            // (losing a packet is OK-ish and not that uncommon in lossy links like
            //  802.15.4; the client will likely retry the transmission. Of course,
            //  it would be best to never drop packets but we have limited memory!)

    // software task that runs at lower priority and processes packets
        priority = 1,
        resources = [], // this task doesn't have access to the RADIO
        capacity = 4, // input buffer can hold up to 4 messages
    fn process_packet(
        c: process_packet::Context,
        packet: OwningSliceTo<Box<P>, u8>, // task input = message sent to it
    ) {
        // ommited: parse packet and perform an action based on its contents

        // (this happens implicitly and returns the memory block back to the pool)

    // ..

That’s quite a bit to unpack so let’s go over the code function by function.


First, the init function. This function is called the initialization phase within the RTFM framework. The microcontroller will run this function right after it boots. The value returned by this function will be used by the framework to initialize the static RADIO variable.

Static variables – called resources within the RTFM framework – are used by tasks to preserve state across their invocations. You can think of resources as task state. The RADIO resource can’t be initialized at compile time (“in const context”) because it requires runtime operations like initializing peripherals and talking to an external device. Resources that are initialized at runtime are called late resources within the framework.

In init we also initialize the memory pool named P by giving it some initial memory.

Event driven

After init returns, the framework initializes the RADIO resource and then puts the microcontroller to sleep. That’s the default state of RTFM applications: power saving sleep mode. The microcontroller will wake up and perform useful work only when it receives an interrupt signal that tells it to do so. In response to this, usually external, signal the microcontroller will run a hardware task.

In our example, on_new_packet is a hardware task that runs when the signal named EXTI0 (“External Interrupt 0”) arrives. This signal is raised when the external radio has finished receiving a new packet.

In the on_new_packet task we request a memory block (heapless::pool::Box<P>) from the memory pool. If we get one we copy the contents of the newly received packet into it, otherwise we tell the radio to discard the newly received packet. In either case, the radio can start receiving a new packet by the time this task ends (returns).

Now that we have a packet we have to parse it and perform some action based on its contents but we won’t do that in this task. Instead we’ll use a software task to do that work.

Message passing

process_packet is a software task. Unlike hardware tasks, which start in response to events, software tasks are spawn-ed by the software on demand. And when a task is spawn-ed a message can be passed along; this message becomes the input of the task.

In the example, we use the message passing feature to send the packet we read from the RADIO from the hardware task to the software task. This operation has move semantics so ownership over packet is transferred from one task to the other.

The software task will parse its input packet and perform most of the application logic. As this task owns the packet it will eventually drop it; this operation returns the memory block back to the pool P.

Task scheduling

Tasks can be assigned static priorities; as the name implies these priorities are selected at compile time and can’t change at runtime. The differences in priorities affect how tasks are scheduled. In our example, the software task has lower priority so after being spawn-ed nothing immediately happens. It’s only after on_new_packet returns that process_packet gets a chance to run.

We say that in RTFM tasks have run to completion semantics because they have no suspension points like generators have and also there’s no periodic context switching between tasks as seen in threaded systems like Linux. Once a task starts it will run until it terminates (returns).

However, higher priority tasks will preempt lower priority tasks if their interrupt signal arrives (asynchronous action) or they are spawn-ed (synchronous action) . In either scenario the lower priority task will be suspended and the higher priority will start and run to completion. After the higher priority task returns the lower priority task is resumed. Note that there’s never a context switch from a high priority task to a lower priority one or to a task that has the same priority; there’s only preemption towards higher priorities.

For this reason, in this particular example if another EXTI0 signal arrives while on_new_packet is being executed there’s no immediate effect. Another instance of the on_new_packet task will run in response to the second signal but only after the first instance ends – this is because both instances of on_new_packet have the same priority.

Priorities matter

So why bother using a second task? Why not just do a plain function call to a process_packet function? The reason is avoiding packet loss.

If we had used a function call instead of spawn we would have ended with a system with no preemption. In this example that could result in packet loss. Imagine the scenario where three packets arrive in quick succession. If we do the packet processing in the hardware task (on_new_packet) we would not read out the next packet until we are done processing the packet. If processing a packet takes too long then the third packet would be ignored by the radio interface. The timeline of events would look like this:

  • Event: first packet arrives.

    • Action: read it out and start processing it.
  • Event: second packet arrives.

    • Status: still processing the first packet.
  • Event: third packet starts being transmitted.

    • Status: the radio still has the second packet in its buffer so it ignores this packet (and subsequent ones).
    • Result: third packet is not successfully delivered.

So what the software task is buying us here is buffering during these bursts of requests. The software task has a capacity of 4 so the hardware task can queue up to 4 packets for it to process (sequentially). Because the hardware task has higher priority it can drain packets from the radio while old packets are being processed by the software task; this avoids the packet loss scenario described above.

Note that this is not real-time system, which is the kind of systems RTFM was originally designed for, yet timeliness and prioritization are necessary for the correct operation of the system.


So far we have seen these RTFM features:

  • Hardware tasks (#[task(binds = ..)])

  • Software tasks (#[task]) and message passing (spawn)

  • Task prioritization (e.g. priority = 1)

  • Runtime initialization of resources (static [mut] variables), AKA late resources.

There’s two more features not shown in the example: one of them is the lock API. This API is used when you want two, or more, tasks running at different priorities to share access to the same resource. Here’s a contrived example:


use panic_halt as _; // panic handler

#[rtfm::app(device = stm32f103xx)]
const APP: () = {
    // used to count the number of task invocations
    // NOTE: *not* an "atomic integer" because ARMv7-M word size is 32-bit
    static mut COUNT: u64 = 0;

        priority = 1,
        resources = [COUNT], // has access to the `COUNT` resource
    fn foo(mut c: foo::Context) {
        // the lower priority task needs a critical section to access the data
        c.resources.COUNT.lock(|count: &mut u64| {
            // this closure runs at a priority of `2`
            // task `bar` can't preempt this critical section due to its new priority
            *count += 1;

        // `bar` can preempt `foo` from this point onward

        priority = 2,
        resources = [COUNT], // also has access to the `COUNT` resource
    fn bar(c: bar::Context) {
        // the higher priority task gets direct access to the resource
        let count: &mut u64 = c.resources.COUNT;
        *count += 1;

        priority = 3,
        resources = [], // can *not* access `COUNT`
    fn baz(c: baz::Context) {
        // COUNT += 1;
        //~^ error: cannot find value `COUNT` in this scope

        // c.resources.COUNT += 1;
        //~^ error: no field `resources` on type `baz::Context`

        // ..

    // ..

In this example we have a shared resource named COUNT that’s accessed by tasks foo and bar. The tasks run at different priorities and the resource is not an atomic variable so some form of synchronization is required to avoid a data race (torn reads and writes). The lock API gives you that synchronization in the form of a critical section.

bar runs at higher priority so it can preempt foo; thus foo needs a critical section to access COUNT. The lock API creates a critical section, which syntactically looks like a closure, by temporarily raising the priority of, in this case, foo to match the priority of bar. Raising the priority disables preemption: the task bar can not start while foo is in the critical section. Only within this critical section can foo safely access the contents of COUNT.

On the other hand, foo can not preempt bar so bar can access COUNT directly. Other higher priority tasks that do not access the resource, like baz, are free to preempt bar, and foo, at any moment.

The framework enforces access control: only tasks that declared a resource in their #[task] attribute can access the resource (static variable). This compile time access control lets the framework optimize / minimize critical sections.

Internally, the spawn API makes use of the lock API so our example is also implicitly using the lock API. There are a few data structures that the framework synthesizes to make the spawn API work and all the spawn calls access them using the lock API – those data structures are also resources! If you are interested in learning how the spawn API is implemented you can read our internal documentation.

The most important aspects of the lock API are that (a) it’s a deadlock-free abstraction and (b) it has bounded execution time. In contrast, mutexes in threaded systems, like std::sync::Mutex, and spinlocks, like spin::Mutex, can deadlock if one is not careful and may block the thread / task trying to access the Mutex for an indeterminate amount of time. Entering and leaving the critical section created by lock takes only 4 instructions / clock cycles in the ARM Cortex-M implementation 2.

The spawn API which is built on top of the lock API inherits these two properties. A spawn call, that is posting a message, has a bounded execution time (no CAS loops) and never deadlocks or blocks the sender.


The other feature not covered in the example is the schedule API, which lets you schedule a task to run at some time in the future. The main use case for this API is creating periodic tasks. Here’s a simple example:


use cortex_m::{iprintln, peripheral::ITM};
use panic_halt as _;
// like `std::time::{Duration,Instant}` but work with clock cycles rather than seconds
use rtfm::cyccnt::{Duration, Instant};

const PERIOD: u32 = 8_000_000; // CPU clock cycles or about one second

#[rtfm::app(device = stm32f103xx, monotonic = rtfm::cyccnt::CYCCNT)]
const APP: () = {
    static mut ITM: ITM = ();

    #[init(spawn = [periodic])]
    fn init(c: init::Context) -> init::LateResources {
        // `init` owns all the Cortex-M peripherals
        let mut core = c.core;

        // initialize the monotonic timer

        // bootstrap the periodic task
        let _ = c.spawn.periodic(0);

        init::LateResources { ITM: core.ITM }

    #[task(resources = [ITM], schedule = [periodic])]
    fn periodic(c: periodic::Context, count: u32) {
        // time at which this task started executing
        let now = Instant::now();

        // time at which this task was scheduled to run
        let scheduled: Instant = c.scheduled;

        // log this message through the ITM stimulus port #0
            &mut c.resources.ITM.stim[0],
            "periodic({}) scheduled @ {:?} ran @ {:?}",

        let _ = c.schedule.periodic(
            // when: run again in one second
            scheduled + Duration::from_cycles(PERIOD),

            // the message to pass to the new instance
            count + 1,

    // ..

Here’s the output of the above program:

$ port-demux -f -r0 /dev/ttyUSB0
periodic(0) scheduled @ Instant(0) ran @ Instant(59)
periodic(1) scheduled @ Instant(8000000) ran @ Instant(8000141)
periodic(2) scheduled @ Instant(16000000) ran @ Instant(16000141)
periodic(3) scheduled @ Instant(24000000) ran @ Instant(24000141)

The framework lets the user provide their own monotonic timer. In this example we used the DWT cycle counter (AKA CYCCNT) which is a Cortex-M peripheral found on all ARMv7-M devices and is clocked at the same frequency as the CPU. However, one could have used a Real Time Clock (RTC) peripheral clocked at 32,768 Hz to schedule tasks with longer periods, in the order of seconds or minutes.

The multi-core extension

That covers all the single-core RTFM API. Now let’s dig into the multi-core API. The multi-core API is very similar to the single-core API; that’s why this section is called “the multi-core extension”.

Deadlock freedom and bounded execution time are highly desirable properties in safety critical and real time systems. The single-core version has both and we wanted the multi-core version to inherit these properties. How can we scale out RTFM in a way that let us maintain these properties?

Task partitioning

The answer is: task partitioning. The idea is the following: you split your application in tasks – this is what you do today when you use single-core RTFM – and then you split those tasks across your cores, meaning that each task will run on a specific core.

Tasks can have (static mut) resources associated to them; these resources make tasks stateful. The multi-core version has the restriction that resources can only be shared between tasks that run on the same core. The reason for this restriction is that the lock API is not cross-core memory safe. (You can, of course, safely share static variables between the cores – static variables don’t need to be managed by RTFM to be memory-safe to access).

Here’s a contrived example that illustrates the multi-core API:


// dual-core application
#[rtfm::app(cores = 2, device = lpc541xx)]
const APP: () = {
    // resource implicitly assigned to core #0
    static mut X: u64 = 0;

    // core #0 initialization routine
    #[init(core = 0)]
    fn init(_: init::Context) {
        // ..

    // software task that runs on core #0
    #[task(core = 0, priority = 1, resources = [X])]
    fn process_mic_data(c: process_mic_data::Context, data: MicData) {
        // ..

        // `lock` API
        c.resources.X.lock(|x| {
            // ..

        // ..

    // hardware task that runs on core #0
    #[task(core = 0, binds = DMA, priority = 2, resources = [X])]
    fn on_new_microphone_data(c: on_new_microphone_data::Context) {
        let x: &mut u64 = c.resources.X;

        // ..


    // resource implicitly assigned to core #1
    static mut Y: u64 = 0;

    // core #1 initialization routine
    #[init(core = 1)]
    fn init(_: init::Context) {
        // ..

    // hardware task that runs on core #1
    #[task(core = 1, binds = USB, resources = [Y])]
    fn on_new_usb_packet(c: on_new_usb_packet::Context) {
        // ..

There are very few differences between the multi-core and the single-core syntax:

  • First, rtfm::app now takes a cores argument that indicates the number of cores the system has. In this example I chose 2 cores. Omitting the cores argument indicates that the application is a single core application.
  • All tasks now need a core argument that indicates on which core the task will run. In this example we have two hardware tasks, each one tied to a different interrupt. Core #0 will service DMA transfer complete interrupts whereas core #1 will service USB interrupts.

  • init also needs a core argument. Each core runs a different initialization function.

The lock API is present in the multi-core version and works exactly as it does in the single-core version, plus it’s still free of deadlocks and has bounded execution time.

Message passing

One can’t share resources between cores but message passing works within a core and across cores. The spawn API remains unchanged; if the caller specifies a task that runs on a different core then the message will be sent to the other core.

Here’s the multi-core RTFM version of the classic ping-pong message passing example:

(Full source code can be found in the lpcxpresso54114 repository)


#[cfg(core = "0")]
use cortex_m::{iprintln, peripheral::ITM};
use panic_halt as _;

// stop at some arbitrary point
const LIMIT: u32 = 5;

#[rtfm::app(cores = 2, device = lpc541xx)]
const APP: () = {
    static mut ITM: ITM = ();

    #[init(core = 0, spawn = [ping])]
    fn init(mut c: init::Context) -> init::LateResources {
        iprintln!(&mut c.core.ITM.stim[0], "[0] init");

        // cross core message passing
        let _ =;

        init::LateResources { ITM: c.core.ITM }

    #[task(core = 0, resources = [ITM], spawn = [ping])]
    fn pong(c: pong::Context, x: u32) {
        iprintln!(&mut c.resources.ITM.stim[0], "[0] pong({})", x);

        // cross core message passing
        let _ = + 1);

    #[task(core = 1, spawn = [pong])]
    fn ping(c: ping::Context, x: u32) {
        // (the Cortex-M0+ core has no functional ITM to log messages)

        if x < LIMIT {
            // cross core message passing
            let _ = c.spawn.pong(x + 1);

    // ..

The target is the LPC54114, a heterogeneous multi-core device. When targeting heterogeneous devices RTFM uses μAMP under the hood so we need to compile this RTFM application using cargo-microamp.

$ cargo microamp \
    --example xspawn \
    --target thumbv7em-none-eabihf,thumbv6m-none-eabi \

$ ( cd target && size target/*/release/examples/xspawn-{0,1} )
   text    data     bss     dec     hex filename
   2796      26       0    2822     b06 thumbv7em-none-eabihf/release/examples/xspawn-0
    574      26       0     600     258 thumbv6m-none-eabi/release/examples/xspawn-1

Here’s the output of running the program:

$ port-demux -f -r0 /dev/ttyUSB0
[0] init
[0] pong(1)
[0] pong(3)
[0] pong(5)

It must be noted that cross-core spawn calls also have bounded execution time and are non-blocking.


The schedule API also works across cores but one needs to pick a monotonic timer that behaves the same when accessed from any of the cores.

Here’s the previous ping pong example but we now use schedule instead of spawn to delay each message by half a second.


#[cfg(core = "0")]
use cortex_m::{iprintln, peripheral::ITM};
use lpc541xx::Duration;
#[cfg(core = "0")]
use lpc541xx::Instant;
use panic_halt as _;

// stop at some arbitrary point
const LIMIT: u32 = 5;

const DELAY: u32 = 6_000_000; // CTIMER0 clock cycles or about half a second

#[rtfm::app(cores = 2, device = lpc541xx, monotonic = lpc541xx::CTIMER0)]
const APP: () = {
    static mut ITM: ITM = ();

    #[init(core = 0, schedule = [ping])]
    fn init(mut c: init::Context) -> init::LateResources {
        iprintln!(&mut c.core.ITM.stim[0], "[0] init");

        // run this task in half a second from now
        let _ = + Duration::from_cycles(DELAY), 0);

        init::LateResources { ITM: c.core.ITM }

    #[task(core = 0, resources = [ITM], schedule = [ping])]
    fn pong(c: pong::Context, x: u32) {
        let now = Instant::now();
        let scheduled = c.scheduled;

            &mut c.resources.ITM.stim[0],
            "[0] pong({}) scheduled @ {:?} ran @ {:?}",

        let _ = c
            .ping(scheduled + Duration::from_cycles(DELAY), x + 1);

    #[task(core = 1, schedule = [pong])]
    fn ping(c: ping::Context, x: u32) {
        if x < LIMIT {
            let _ = c
                .pong(c.scheduled + Duration::from_cycles(DELAY), x + 1);

    // ..

Here’s the output:

$ port-demux -f -r0 /dev/ttyUSB0
[0] init
[0] pong(1) scheduled @ Instant(12000000) ran @ Instant(12000563)
[0] pong(3) scheduled @ Instant(24000000) ran @ Instant(24000563)
[0] pong(5) scheduled @ Instant(36000000) ran @ Instant(36000563)

In this example we use a peripheral provided by the device, CTIMER0, as the monotonic timer instead of the CYCCNT (cycle counter), which we used in the single-core example. The reason for not using the CYCCNT this time is that (a) the CYCCNT is – to use ARM’s terminology – a private resource: each core has its own cycle counter and it’s not possible to synchronize them, plus each cycle counter could be running at a different frequency; and (b) ARMv6-M cores, like the Cortex-M0+ core in the LPC54114, don’t implement a cycle counter.

Cross-core resource initialization

A feature that I thought might be useful is having one core initialize resources owned by other cores.

One use case would be to have one core initialize all the peripherals and then have it send some of the initialized peripherals, wrapped in higher level abstractions, to the other cores. You can do that operation with the spawn API but it’s a bit awkward because it requires a one-shot task and an Option and unwrap calls on the receiver.

    cores = 2,
    device = lpc541xx,
    peripherals = 0,  // core #0 takes all the device peripherals
const APP: () = {
    #[init(core = 0)]
    fn init(c: init::Context) {
        // all the device peripherals by value
        let device: lpc541xx::Peripherals = c.device;

        // .. initialize all peripherals ..

        // send the initialized USB stack to core #1
        let _ = c.spawn.take_usb_stack(usb);

    // resource implicitly assigned to core #1
    static mut USB: Option<UsbStack> = None;

    #[task(core = 1, resources = [USB])]
    fn take_usb_stack(c: take_usb_stack::Context, usb: UsbStack) {
        c.resources.USB = Some(usb);

    // some task that uses the USB stack
    #[task(core = 1, resources = [USB])]
    fn use_usb(c: use_usb::Context) {
        // whoops, this might panic
        let usb: &mut UsbStack = c.resources.USB.as_mut().unwrap();

        // ..

With cross-core resource initialization core #0 can initialize the USB resource at the end of init:

#[rtfm::app(cores = 2, device = lpc541xx, peripheral = 0)]
const APP: () = {
    #[init(core = 0)]
    fn init(c: init::Context) -> init::LateResources {
        // .. initialize all peripherals ..

        init::LateResources { USB: usb }

    // resource implicitly assigned to core #1
    static mut USB: UsbStack = ();

    // some task that uses the USB stack
    #[task(core = 1)]
    fn use_usb(c: use_usb::Context) {
        // always observes an initialized resource
        let usb: &mut UsbStack = c.resources.USB;

        // ..

    // ..

With this approach the one-off task and the Option are not required.

(And, yes, the framework inserts a synchronization barrier somewhere in there so that the use_usb task only ever starts after core #0’s init returns and USB is initialized.)

Homogeneous devices

In all the previous multi-core examples I have targeted the LPC54114, a heterogeneous dual-core device, but there are also homogeneous devices out there like the LPC55S69, a device with 2 Cortex-M33 (ARMv8-M) cores. One could certainly use cargo-microamp to build an RTFM application for such device but cargo-build suffices in that case because both cores use the exact same instruction set.

RTFM has two codegen modes for multi-core applications: homogeneous and heterogeneous; you can select either using Cargo features. The heterogeneous mode is the one I have been demoing so far. The homogeneous mode lets you build multi-core applications using cargo-build but has the restriction that a single compilation target must be used. Of course, this is fine for homogeneous devices.

The RTFM API is the same in either multi-core mode but one can use #[cfg(core = "0")] only in the heterogeneous mode as that’s the one that uses cargo-microamp.

Here’s an homogeneous ping pong example. I’m not going to copy paste the code here because there’s very little difference between it and the heterogeneous version I showed before.

This homogeneous example is built using cargo-build

$ cargo build --target thumbv8m.main-none-eabi --example xspawn --release

And produces a single ELF file.

$ ( cd target/thumbv8m.main-none-eabi/release/examples && size xspawn )
   text    data     bss     dec     hex filename
   1470       0      16    1486     5ce xspawn

I think it’s worth noting that one could use the homogeneous mode to target the heterogeneous LPC54114 (Cortex-M4F + Cortex-M0+) by selecting thumbv6m-none-eabi as the compilation target. This works because the ARMv6-M instruction set is a subset of the ARMv7E-M instruction set. The disadvantage of this approach is that one would not be able to use CAS or FPU instructions on the Cortex-M4F (ARMv7E-M) core as these are not available when one uses the thumbv6m-none-eabi compilation target. The advantage is that the homegeneous mode will work on stable Rust 1.36 whereas heterogeneous mode depends on nightly because its dependency, μAMP, uses the unstable auto trait feature for memory safety.


That covers the multi-core API. To my knowledge RTFM is the first Rust concurrency framework that targets (heterogeneous) multi-core microcontrollers.

The PR for v0.5.0 is up so in theory you can go and try it out right now on a multi-core device. In practice, though, I have not fully documented what RTFM expects of the device crate in multi-core mode so it may be hard to try it out on devices other than the ones I covered above.

We are using the next minor release (v0.5.0) to tweak various aspects of the syntax, of which the most contentious bit is probably the late resource syntax. There are several RFCs open right now so if you have thoughts on the syntax now would be a good time to comment.

Supporting other architectures

As part of the work towards the RTFM v0.5.0 release I have refactored out the main parts of the #[app] procedural macro in reusable crates with the goal of making it easier to port RTFM to other architectures.

To test these crates I have written two (prototype) RTFM ports: one for the HiFive1, a single-core RISC-V microcontroller, and one for x86_64 Linux – not a microcontroller! I know. The Linux port has multi-core (cores) and timer-queue (schedule) support like the main Cortex-M port so if you want to try out the multi-core API today that would be easiest thing to try.

I have proposed creating a GitHub organization for developing and maintaining all these ports. The idea is to grow a team of people with expertise on architectures other than ARM Cortex-M to work on these ports and keep them in sync.


I have also started a GitHub thread to discuss the possibility of renaming the project or least changing its acronym. Not everyone is pleased with the RTFM moniker for several reasons and I think that if we want to change the name doing so before creating a GitHub org would be the best time.

That’s all I have for now.

Thank you patrons! ❤️

I want to wholeheartedly thank:

Iban Eguia, Geoff Cant, Harrison Chin, Brandon Edens, whitequark, James Munns, Fredrik Lundström, Kjetil Kjeka, Kor Nielsen, Dietrich Ayala, Hadrien Grasland, Florian Uekermann, Ivan Dubrov and 65 more people for supporting my work on Patreon.

Let’s discuss on reddit.

  1. to be more precise it has LL-SC (Load-link / Store-conditional) instructions which can be used to implement CAS loops. ↩︎

  2. when the inline-asm feature, which requires a nightly compiler, is enabled. Without the feature the cost is 14 clock cycles. ↩︎


Creative Commons License
Jorge Aparicio