RTFM v0.4: +stable, software tasks, message passing and a timer queue

December 19, 2018 by Jorge Aparicio

Hey there! It’s been a long time since my last post.

Today I’m pleased to announce v0.4.0 of the Real Time for The Masses framework (AKA RTFM), a concurrency framework for building real time applications.

The greatest new feature, IMO, is that RTFM now works on stable Rust (1.31+)! 🎉 🎉 🎉

This release also packs quite a few new features which I’ll briefly cover in this post. For a more throughout explanation of RTFM’s task model and its capabilities check out the RTFM book, which includes examples you can run on your laptop (yay for emulation), and the API documentation.

New syntax

In previous releases you specified tasks and resources using a bang macro: app!. This macro has been replaced by a bunch attributes: #[app], #[interrupt], #[exception], etc.

To give you an idea of the new syntax here’s one example from the book:

// examples/interrupt.rs


extern crate panic_semihosting;

use cortex_m_semihosting::{debug, hprintln};
use lm3s6965::Interrupt;
use rtfm::app;

#[app(device = lm3s6965)]
const APP: () = {
    fn init() {
        // Pends the UART0 interrupt but its handler won't run until *after*
        // `init` returns because interrupts are disabled


    fn idle() -> ! {
        // interrupts are enabled again; the `UART0` handler runs at this point



        // exit the emulator

        loop {}

    // interrupt handler = hardware task
    fn UART0() {
        static mut TIMES: u32 = 0;

        // Safe access to local `static mut` variable
        *TIMES += 1;

            "UART0 called {} time{}",
            if *TIMES > 1 { "s" } else { "" }
$ qemu-system-arm (..) interrupt
UART0 called 1 time
UART0 called 2 times

(The const APP that’s used like a module must look a bit weird to you. I’ll get to it in a minute.)

The main motivation for this change is to allow composition with other attributes like the built-in #[cfg] attribute, which is used for conditional compilation, and an hypothetical #[ramfunc] attribute, which places functions in RAM.

// NOTE: assuming some future release of cortex-m-rt
use cortex_m_rt::ramfunc;

#[rtfm::app(device = lm3s6965)]
const APP: () = {
    // ..

    // gotta go fast: run this exception handler (task) from RAM!
    fn SysTick() {
        // ..

    #[cfg(feature = "heartbeat")]
    #[interrupt(resources = [LED])]
    fn TIMER_0A() {

    // ..

The other motivation is to let you decentralize the declaration of tasks and resources. With the old app! macro everything had to be declared upfront in a single place; with attributes you’ll be able to declare tasks and resources in different modules.

// NOTE: this is NOT a valid rtfm v0.4 application!

mod resources {
    static mut FOO: u32 = 0;

mod tasks {
    static mut BAR: u32 = 0;

    #[interrupt(resources = [crate::resources::FOO, BAR])]
    fn UART0() {
        // ..

However, that’s more of a long term goal as it’s currently not possible to use crate level procedural macros or attributes on modules if you are using the stable channel. The lack of those features on stable is why we are using a const item as a module.

Finally, it’s nice that RTFM applications don’t contain any special syntax (compared to v0.3’s app!) so now rustfmt is able to format the whole crate.

Software tasks

Until RTFM v0.3, tasks could only be started by an event like the user pressing a button, receiving new data or a software event (see rtfm::pend). Also, each of those hardware tasks maps to a different interrupt handler so you can run out of interrupt handlers if you have many tasks.

RTFM v0.4 introduces software tasks, tasks that can be spawned on-demand from any context. The runtime will dispatch all the software tasks that run at the same priority from the same interrupt handler so you won’t run out of interrupt handlers even if you have dozens of tasks.

Software tasks come in handy when you want to keep a hardware task responsive to events: you can defer non time critical bits to a software task that runs at lower priority.

// heapless = "0.4.1"
use heapless::{consts::U16, Vec};

#[rtfm::app(device = lm3s6965)]
const APP: () = {
    // ..

    // high priority hardware task
    // started when a new byte of data is received
    // needs to finish relatively quickly or incoming data will be lost
    #[interrupt(priority = 2, spawn = [some_command])]
    fn UART0() {
        // Fixed capacity vector with inline storage (no heap memory is used)
        static mut BUFFER: Vec<u8, U16> = Vec::new();

        let byte = read_byte_from_serial_port();

        if byte == b'\n' {
            match &BUFFER[..] {
                b"some-command" => spawn.some_command().unwrap(),
                // .. handle other cases ..

        } else {
            if BUFFER.push(byte).is_err() {
                // .. handle error (buffer is full) ..

    // lower priority software task
    // only runs when `UART0` is not running
    // this task can be preempted by `UART0`, which has higher priority
    #[task(priority = 1)]
    fn some_command() {
        // .. do non time critical stuff that takes a while to execute ..

    // ..

Message passing

When you spawn a task you can also send a message which will become the input of the task. Message passing can remove the need for explicit memory sharing and locks (see rtfm::Mutex) .

Using message passing we can change the previous example to handle all commands from a single task.

pub enum Command {
    // ..

#[rtfm::app(device = lm3s6965)]
const APP: () = {
    // ..

    #[interrupt(priority = 2, spawn = [run_command])]
    fn UART0() {
        static mut BUFFER: Vec<u8, U16> = Vec::new();

        let byte = read_byte_from_serial_port();

        if byte == b'\n' {
            match &BUFFER[..] {
                // NOTE: this changed!
                b"foo" => spawn.run_command(Command::Foo).ok().unwrap(),
                // .. handle other cases ..

        } else {
            if BUFFER.push(byte).is_err() {
                // .. handle error (buffer is full) ..

    // NOTE: NEW!
    // (the default priority for tasks is 1 so we can actually omit it here)
    fn run_command(command: Command) {
        match command {
            Command::Foo => { /* .. */ }
            // ..

    // ..

Furthermore, unlike hardware tasks, software tasks are buffered so you can spawn several instances of them: all the posted messages will be queued and executed in FIFO order.

All the internal buffers used by the RTFM runtime are statically allocated so RTFM doesn’t depend on a dynamic memory allocator. Instead, you specify the capacity of the message queue in the #[task] attribute – the capacity defaults to 1 if not explicitly stated.

If in our running example we expect that some command will take long enough to execute that another command may arrive in the meanwhile then we can increase the capacity of the message queue.

#[rtfm::app(device = lm3s6965)]
const APP: () = {
    // ..

    // now we can receive up to 2 more commands while this runs
    #[task(capacity = 2)]
    fn run_command(command: Command) {
        match command {
            Command::Foo => { /* .. */ }
            // ..

    // ..

Timer queue

The RTFM framework provides an opt-in timer-queue feature (NOTE: ARMv7-M only feature, for now). When enabled a global timer queue is added to the RTFM runtime. This timer queue can be used to schedule tasks to run at some time in the future.

One of the main uses cases of the schedule API (also see rtfm::Instant and rtfm::Duration) is creating periodic tasks.

const PERIOD: u32 = 12_000_000; // clock cycles == one second

#[rtfm::app(device = lm3s6965)]
const APP: () = {
    #[init(spawn = [periodic])]
    fn init() {
        // bootstrap the `periodic` task

    #[task(schedule = [periodic])]
    fn periodic() {
        // .. do stuff ..

        // schedule this task to run at `PERIOD` clock cycles after
        // it was last `scheduled` to run
        schedule.periodic(scheduled + PERIOD.cycles()).unwrap();

    // ..

What’s next?

To compile on stable some sacrifices had to be made in terms of (static) memory usage and code size. As there’s no way to have uninitialized memory in static variables I had to rely on Options and late (runtime) initialization in several places. But once MaybeUninit and const fn with trait bounds make their way into stable I’ll be able to remove all that unnecessary overhead.

More importantly though, I’ve been playing with Cortex-R processors, multicore devices and asymmetric multiprocessing (AKA AMP)! And I’m happy to report that not only have I got RTFM running on a Cortex-R core but I also have implemented a proof of concept for multicore RTFM!

This is what my current multicore RTFM prototype looks like:


extern crate panic_dcc;

use dcc::dprintln;

const LIMIT: u32 = 5;

#[rtfm::app(cores = 2)] // <- TWO cores!
const APP: () = {
    #[cfg(core = "0")]
    fn init() {
        // nothing to do here

    // this task runs on the first core
    #[cfg(core = "0")]
    #[task(spawn = [pong])]
    fn ping(x: u32) {
        dprintln!("ping({})", x);

        if x < LIMIT {
            // here we send a mesasge to the other core!
            spawn.pong(x + 1).unwrap();

    #[cfg(core = "1")]
    #[init(tasks = [pong])]
    fn init() {
        // spawn the local `pong` task

    // this task runs on the second core
    #[cfg(core = "1")]
    #[task(spawn = [ping])]
    fn pong(x: u32) {
        dprintln!("pong({})", x);

        if x < LIMIT {
            // another cross-core message!
            spawn.ping(x + 1).unwrap();
$ # logs from the first core
$ tail -f dcc0.log
IRQ(ICCIAR { cpuid: 1, ackintid: 65 })
~IRQ(ICCIAR { cpuid: 1, ackintid: 65 })
IRQ(ICCIAR { cpuid: 1, ackintid: 65 })
~IRQ(ICCIAR { cpuid: 1, ackintid: 65 })
IRQ(ICCIAR { cpuid: 1, ackintid: 65 })
~IRQ(ICCIAR { cpuid: 1, ackintid: 65 })
$ # logs from the second core
$ tail -f dcc1.log
IRQ(ICCIAR { cpuid: 1, ackintid: 66 })
~IRQ(ICCIAR { cpuid: 1, ackintid: 66 })
IRQ(ICCIAR { cpuid: 0, ackintid: 66 })
~IRQ(ICCIAR { cpuid: 0, ackintid: 66 })
IRQ(ICCIAR { cpuid: 0, ackintid: 66 })
~IRQ(ICCIAR { cpuid: 0, ackintid: 66 })

In this PoC, you write multicore applications in a single crate and you use #[cfg(core = "*")] to assign tasks and resources to one core or the other. Also, you can send messages across cores in a lock-free, wait-free, alloc-free manner.

I have tested this PoC on a dual core Cortex-R5 device but I’m certain that the approach can be adapted to heterogeneous devices (e.g. Cortex-M4 + Cortex-M0+) which are more common in the microcontroller space.

This sounds nice and all but, unfortunately, this PoC is not completely memory safe and thus not ready for show time. It has a few memory safety holes around its uses of Send and Sync that I’m not sure how best to solve.

To give you an example of the issues I’m thinking about: something that’s single-core Sync, like bare_metal::Mutex, is not necessarily multi-core Sync (e.g. spin::Mutex is multi-core Sync) but there’s only one widely used Sync trait, which most people understand as multi-core Sync. I can create my own SingleCoreSync but will the community adopt it? More importantly, if we change bare_metal::Mutex to only implement SingleCoreSync (and make it sound to use in the multicore RTFM model) then you won’t be able to use it in static variables (those require a Sync bound) which is a valid use case today.

Another example: a &'static mut T (or a Box<T>) is a safe thing to Send from one task to another within a core but across cores safety depends on where the reference points to. If it points to memory shared between the cores then all’s good, but if it points to memory that’s only visible to one of the cores (e.g. Tightly Coupled Memory) then the operation is UB. The problem is that you can’t tell where the reference points to by just looking at the type because the location is specified using an attribute (#[link_section]).

I plan to do a more detailed blog post about no_std AMP in Rust. Hopefully, the Rust community will give me some good ideas about how to deal with these problems!

Until next time!

Thank you patrons! ❤️

I want to wholeheartedly thank:

Iban Eguia, Geoff Cant, Harrison Chin, Brandon Edens, whitequark, James Munns, Fredrik Lundström, Kjetil Kjeka, Kor Nielsen, Alexander Payne, Dietrich Ayala, Hadrien Grasland, vitiral, Lee Smith, Florian Uekermann, Adam Green and 57 more people for supporting my work on Patreon.

Let’s discuss on reddit.


Creative Commons License
Jorge Aparicio