In the last post I introduced the RTFM framework, and made several claims about it being highly efficient both in memory usage and runtime overhead. In this post I’ll analyze all the RTFM concurrency primitives to back up those claims. To do that I’ll first introduce a non-invasive timing method that’s accurate to a single clock cycle, which is the time the processor spends to execute one of the simplest instructions.
Let’s dive in.
NB All the measurements shown in this post have been performed on a Cortex M3 microcontroller (STM32F100RBT6B) running at 8 MHz with zero Flash memory wait states.
The timing method
Cortex-M processors provide plenty of functionality for debugging and profiling programs in the form of core peripherals. One such peripheral is the Data Watchpoint and Trace (DWT) peripheral. This peripheral includes a cycle counter that counts every single core clock cycle. The core clock is the one driving the processor; its frequency is the processor frequency. This counter only makes progress when the processor is running; IOW, the counter will stop when, for example, the debugger halts the processor. The count of this cycle counter is available through the 32-bit CYCCNT register of the DWT peripheral.
How can we use this counter to measure the runtime of routines?
The obvious approach
Let’s say that we want to measure how many clock cycles it takes to execute a NOP (No OPeration) instruction. Let’s start by writing a task that executes only that instruction:
use cortex_m::asm;
fn t1(_task: Exti0Irq, _prio: P1, _thr: T1) {
This is the disassembly of the task when the program is compiled in release mode:
0800032e <overhead::main::INTERRUPTS::t1>:
800032e: bf00 nop
8000330: 4770 bx lr
The obvious approach to time this NOP is to use the std
approach. As long as
we don’t modify the CYCCNT register the cycle counter will effectively be a
monotonically increasing timer. So, we can take a snapshot of CYCCNT before and
after the NOP instruction; the difference between those two values will be the
number of clock cycles spent executing the NOP instruction (spoilers well, not
Here’s a program that does that:
fn init(ref prio: P0, thr: TMax) {
// NB the cycle counter is disabled by default
let dwt = DWT.access(prio, thr);
fn t1(_task: Exti0Irq, ref prio: P1, ref thr: T1) {
let dwt = DWT.access(prio, thr);
let before =;
let after =;
let elapsed = after.wrapping_sub(before);
// volatile magic to prevent LLVM from optimizing away `elapsed`'s value
unsafe { ptr::write_volatile(0x2000_0000 as *mut _, elapsed) }
(The full code of this program is in the appendix. We’ll perform several modifications to this program during the rest of this post.)
This program will store the difference of the CYCCNT snapshots at address
. Let’s debug the program and inspect that address.
$ arm-none-eabi-gdb target/thumbv7m-none-eabi/release/(..)
> continue
66 rtfm::bkpt();
> x 0x20000000
0x20000000: 0x00000002
The result, according to the measurement, is 2 clock cycles. That is not the number of clock cycles spent executing the NOP instruction because that number also includes the time spent reading the CYCCNT register. The correct answer is actually 1 clock cycle; the other cycle was spent reading the register.
This method is rather invasive: it heavily changes the original program and makes use of processor registers that weren’t being used before. Look at the disassembly:
0800032e <overhead::main::INTERRUPTS::t1>:
800032e: f241 0004 movw r0, #4100 ; 0x1004
8000332: f2ce 0000 movt r0, #57344 ; 0xe000
8000336: 6801 ldr r1, [r0, #0] ; read CYCCNT
8000338: bf00 nop
800033a: 6800 ldr r0, [r0, #0] ; read CYCCNT
800033c: 1a40 subs r0, r0, r1
800033e: f04f 5100 mov.w r1, #536870912 ; 0x20000000
8000342: 6008 str r0, [r1, #0]
8000344: be00 bkpt 0x0000
8000346: 4770 bx lr
We can do much better than that.
A better approach
Instead of reading the CYCCNT register in the program itself we can use GDB to read the register. With this approach no processor register has to be used. This approach can also be used in an interactive debug session since the cycle counter will pause its count when the processor is halted.
Let’s revise the program to use this new approach:
fn t1(_task: Exti0Irq, _prio: P1, _thr: T1) {
rtfm::bkpt(); // read CYCCNT in GDB
rtfm::bkpt(); // read CYCCNT in GDB
The disassembly now looks very similar to the original program’s:
0800032e <overhead::main::INTERRUPTS::t1>:
800032e: be00 bkpt 0x0000 ; read CYCCNT
8000330: bf00 nop
8000332: be00 bkpt 0x0000 ; read CYCCNT
8000334: 4770 bx lr
The CYCCNT register is located at address 0xe000_1004
; this location is the
same regardless of the microcontroller. Let’s debug this new program and inspect
that address.
> continue
> info registers pc
pc 0x800032e 0x800032e <overhead::main::INTERRUPTS::t1>
> x 0xe0001004
0xe0001004: 0x0074e9dc
> continue
> info registers pc
pc 0x8000332 0x8000332 <overhead::main::INTERRUPTS::t1+4>
> x 0xe0001004
0xe0001004: 0x0074e9dd
> print 0x0074e9dd - 0x0074e9dc
$1 = 1
This time the measurement returns the correct answer: Executing NOP took a single clock cycle.
Armed with a proper timing method we can go ahead and start measuring the runtime overhead of the different RTFM primitives.
Under the RTFM framework a program is split in tasks; tasks are the unit of concurrency in the RTFM framework. Tasks are usually triggered by events, but their execution can be manually requested as well. Each task is assigned a priority that indicates its urgency. Let’s analyze them first.
The RTFM scheduler is a tickless fully preemptive task scheduler. The scheduler decides which task to execute next depending on its priority: higher priority tasks are more urgent and have to be completed first so those tasks can preempt lower priority ones.
In the Cortex-M implementation of the RTFM framework tasks are interrupts and the Nested Vectored Interrupt Controller (NVIC) is used as the task scheduler. The NVIC takes care of servicing interrupts: that is of launching interrupts handlers (tasks) as events arrive, and also of scheduling the execution of handlers (tasks) according to their priorities. Because RTFM leverages the NVIC no task bookkeeping is done in the program; the NVIC takes care of doing all the scheduling.
IOW, the scheduling overhead is effectively zero. The NVIC, which is hardware independent of the processor, will take care of scheduling tasks, that is of deciding which task must be executed next, freeing the core processor from doing the job.
The scheduling overhead is zero
Context switching
Context switches do use processor time so let’s measure their cost.
We’ll start measuring the context switching cost of going from a lower priority task to a higher priority task.
This is the code we’ll use to measure the context switching cost:
fn t1(_task: Exti0Irq, _prio: P1, _thr: T1) {
// task `t2` will preempt this task
fn t2(_task: Exti1Irq, _prio: P2, _thr: T2) {
The disassembly is shown below:
08000324 <overhead::main::INTERRUPTS::t1>:
8000324: f24e 2000 movw r0, #57856 ; 0xe200
8000328: 2180 movs r1, #128 ; 0x80
800032a: be00 bkpt 0x0000
800032c: f2ce 0000 movt r0, #57344 ; 0xe000
8000330: 6001 str r1, [r0, #0] ; read CYCCNT
8000332: be00 bkpt 0x0000 ; read CYCCNT
8000334: 4770 bx lr
08000336 <overhead::main::INTERRUPTS::t2>:
8000336: be00 bkpt 0x0000 ; read CYCCNT
8000338: 4770 bx lr
The disassembly contains comments that indicate the points where the CYCCNT register will be read. The debug session of running this code is shown below:
> continue
> stepi
> # PC = 0x08000330, (CYCCNT & 0xff) = 0x3a
> continue
> # PC = 0x08000336, (CYCCNT & 0xff) = 0x45
> continue
> # pc = 0x08000332, (CYCCNT & 0xff) = 0x4f
> print 0x45 - 0x3a
$1 = 11
> print 0x4f - 0x45
$2 = 10
The first difference is 11 cycles; this is the time spent switching from the lower priority task to the higher priority one. In the ARM documentation this switching time is known as interrupt latency 1, the latency between the interrupt signal arrival and the execution of the interrupt handler.
The second difference is 10 cycles; this is the time spent switching from the higher priority task back to the lower priority one. So the total context switching cost is the sum: 21 cycles.
Interrupt latency = 11 cycles
Context switching cost (preemption) = 21 cycles
Extra register stacking
In the previous measurement the higher priority task was an empty function, and didn’t make use of any register. The context switching cost will increase if the higher priority task uses more than 5 registers because registers #6 and higher won’t be automatically saved and restored by the NVIC, so extra instructions are needed to do that. Those extra instructions will be automatically inserted by the compiler as the prologue of the task function. We need to consider the time spent executing the prologue as part of the context switching cost because the prologue will be executed before the task code we wrote is executed.
We can force the task t2
to use more than 5 registers with some assembly:
fn t1(_task: Exti0Irq, _prio: P1, _thr: T1) {
// task `t2` will preempt this task
fn t2(_task: Exti1Irq, _prio: P1, _thr: T1) {
// load values from 0 to 5 into 6 registers
unsafe {
asm!("" :: "r"(0) "r"(1) "r"(2) "r"(3) "r"(4) "r"(5) :: "volatile");
The disassembly of the above code is shown below:
08000324 <overhead::main::INTERRUPTS::t1>:
8000324: f24e 2000 movw r0, #57856 ; 0xe200
8000328: 2180 movs r1, #128 ; 0x80
800032a: be00 bkpt 0x0000
800032c: f2ce 0000 movt r0, #57344 ; 0xe000
8000330: 6001 str r1, [r0, #0] ; read CYCCNT
8000332: be00 bkpt 0x0000 ; read CYCCNT
8000334: 4770 bx lr
08000336 <overhead::main::INTERRUPTS::t2>:
8000336: b580 push {r7, lr}
8000338: 466f mov r7, sp
800033a: f04f 0c00 mov.w ip, #0 ; read CYCCNT
800033e: f04f 0e01 mov.w lr, #1
8000342: 2202 movs r2, #2
8000344: 2303 movs r3, #3
8000346: 2004 movs r0, #4
8000348: 2105 movs r1, #5
800034a: be00 bkpt 0x0000 ; read CYCCNT
800034c: bd80 pop {r7, pc}
The push
and the following mov
instructions at address 0x08000336
are the
prologue of the function t2
. For the measurement we’ll read the CYCCNT
register after the prologue of t2
has been executed as indicated in the
comments of the disassembly.
The debug session is shown bellow:
> continue
> stepi
> # PC = 0x08000330, (CYCCNT & 0xff) = 0xd4
> break overhead::main::INTERRUPTS::t2
> continue
> # PC = 0x0800033a, (CYCCNT & 0xff) = 0xe3
> continue
> # PC = 0x0800034a, (CYCCNT & 0xff) = 0xe9
> continue
> # PC = 0x08000332, (CYCCNT & 0xff) = 0xf6
> print 0xe3 - 0xd4
$1 = 15
> print 0xf6 - 0xe9
$2 = 13
The interrupt latency increases to 15 cycles and the total switching cost increases to 28 cycles. Let’s update our numbers:
Interrupt latency = 11-15 cycles
Context switching cost (preemption) = 21-28 cycles
vs function calls
Task preemption looks very similar to function calls except that is the NVIC, and not the user, who calls the tasks. Let’s see how the runtime cost of preemption compares to the runtime cost of doing a function call.
Consider the following program:
fn t1(_task: Exti0Irq, _prio: P1, _thr: T1) {
fn foo() {
With disassembly:
0800032e <overhead::foo>:
800032e: be00 bkpt 0x0000 ; read CYCCNT
8000330: 4770 bx lr
08000332 <overhead::main::INTERRUPTS::t1>:
8000332: b580 push {r7, lr}
8000334: 466f mov r7, sp
8000336: be00 bkpt 0x0000 ; read CYCCNT
8000338: f7ff fff9 bl 800032e <overhead::foo>
800033c: be00 bkpt 0x0000 ; read CYCCNT
800033e: bd80 pop {r7, pc}
The debug session reports 4 cycles of overhead:
> continue
> # PC = 0x08000336, (CYCCNT & 0xff) = 0x70
> continue
> # PC = 0x0800032e, (CYCCNT & 0xff) = 0x72
> continue
> # PC = 0x0800033c, (CYCCNT & 0xff) = 0x74
> print 0x74 - 0x70
$1 = 4
Like before we can repeat the measurement but changing foo
to use more than 5
Here’s the revised program:
fn t1(_task: Exti0Irq, _prio: P1, _thr: T1) {
fn foo() {
unsafe {
asm!("" :: "r"(0) "r"(1) "r"(2) "r"(3) "r"(4) "r"(5) :: "volatile");
0800032e <overhead::foo>:
800032e: b580 push {r7, lr}
8000330: 466f mov r7, sp
8000332: f04f 0c00 mov.w ip, #0 ; read CYCCNT
8000336: f04f 0e01 mov.w lr, #1
800033a: 2202 movs r2, #2
800033c: 2303 movs r3, #3
800033e: 2004 movs r0, #4
8000340: 2105 movs r1, #5
8000342: be00 bkpt 0x0000 ; read CYCCNT
8000344: bd80 pop {r7, pc}
08000346 <overhead::main::INTERRUPTS::t1>:
8000346: b580 push {r7, lr}
8000348: 466f mov r7, sp
800034a: be00 bkpt 0x0000 ; read CYCCNT
800034c: f7ff ffef bl 800032e <overhead::foo>
8000350: be00 bkpt 0x0000 ; read CYCCNT
8000352: bd80 pop {r7, pc}
And the interactive session reports 12 cycles of overhead:
> continue
> # PC = 0x0800034a, (CYCCNT & 0xff) = 0x56
> break overhead::foo
> continue
> # PC = 0x08000332, (CYCCNT & 0xff) = 0x5c
> continue
> # PC = 0x08000342, (CYCCNT & 0xff) = 0x62
> continue
> # PC = 0x08000350, (CYCCNT & 0xff) = 0x68
> print (0x5c - 0x56) + (0x68 - 0x62)
$1 = 12
In conclusion,
Function call cost = 4-12 cycles
So context switching due to preemption is about 2x slower than function calls.
Tail chaining
Another case that we need to analyze is when an event arrives during the execution of a task but there’s no preemption. The following program showcases that scenario:
fn t1(_task: Exti0Irq, _prio: P1, _thr: T1) {
// no preemption (tasks have the same priority)
fn t2(_task: Exti1Irq, _prio: P1, _thr: T1) {
As both tasks have the same priority no preemption occurs: task t2
will be
executed after task t1
ends. This is known as tail chaining because the
context will switch from t1
to t2
without returning to idle
Disassembly below:
08000324 <overhead::main::INTERRUPTS::t1>:
8000324: f24e 2000 movw r0, #57856 ; 0xe200
8000328: 2180 movs r1, #128 ; 0x80
800032a: f2ce 0000 movt r0, #57344 ; 0xe000
800032e: 6001 str r1, [r0, #0]
8000330: be00 bkpt 0x0000 ; read CYCCNT
8000332: 4770 bx lr
08000334 <overhead::main::INTERRUPTS::t2>:
8000334: be00 bkpt 0x0000 ; read CYCCNT
8000336: 4770 bx lr
Debug session:
> continue
> # PC = 0x08000330, CYCCNT = 0x54
> continue
> # PC = 0x08000334, CYCCNT = 0x5a
> print 0x5a - 0x54
$1 = 6
The cost of this kind of context switch is 6 cycles.
Let’s measure again but changing t2
to use more than 5 registers.
Revised program:
fn t1(_task: Exti0Irq, _prio: P1, _thr: T1) {
fn t2(_task: Exti1Irq, _prio: P1, _thr: T1) {
unsafe {
asm!("" :: "r"(0) "r"(1) "r"(2) "r"(3) "r"(4) "r"(5) :: "volatile");
08000324 <overhead::main::INTERRUPTS::t1>:
8000324: f24e 2000 movw r0, #57856 ; 0xe200
8000328: 2180 movs r1, #128 ; 0x80
800032a: f2ce 0000 movt r0, #57344 ; 0xe000
800032e: 6001 str r1, [r0, #0]
8000330: be00 bkpt 0x0000 ; read CYCCNT
8000332: 4770 bx lr
08000334 <overhead::main::INTERRUPTS::t2>:
8000334: b580 push {r7, lr}
8000336: 466f mov r7, sp
8000338: f04f 0c00 mov.w ip, #0 ; read CYCCNT
800033c: f04f 0e01 mov.w lr, #1
8000340: 2202 movs r2, #2
8000342: 2303 movs r3, #3
8000344: 2004 movs r0, #4
8000346: 2105 movs r1, #5
8000348: bd80 pop {r7, pc}
Debug session:
> continue
> # PC = 0x08000330, CYCCNT = 0x50
> break overhead::main::INTERRUPTS::t2
> continue
> # PC = 0x08000338, CYCCNT = 0x5a
> print 0x5a - 0x50
$1 = 10
10 cycles of overhead in the case where t2
includes a prologue. In conclusion:
Context switching cost (tail chaining) = 6-10 cycles
Which is around the overhead of function calls.
Memory overhead
As the NVIC does all the scheduling the processor doesn’t keep track of the running tasks so there’s no memory use on that front. The RTFM framework uses task priorities in its API, but as priorities remain fixed at runtime they are tracked in the type system and not stored in memory at runtime. In conclusion:
Memory overhead per task = 0 bytes of .bss / .data / .heap memory
Setup cost
There is no memory overhead per task, but there is a small setup cost per task. Let’s take a look at that:
Zero tasks
Consider the following program with zero tasks:
fn init(_prio: P0, _thr: &TMax) {
// Just to make sure LLVM that doesn't optimize away this function
fn idle(_prio: P0, _thr: T0) -> ! {
// Sleep
loop {
Both init
and idle
have been marked as inline(never)
to make the analysis
easier. Here’s the disassembly of the program:
08000340 <cortex_m_rt::reset_handler>:
8000340: b5d0 push {r4, r6, r7, lr}
8000342: af02 add r7, sp, #8
8000344: f240 0000 movw r0, #0
8000348: f240 0100 movw r1, #0
800034c: f2c2 0000 movt r0, #8192 ; 0x2000
8000350: f2c2 0100 movt r1, #8192 ; 0x2000
8000354: 1a09 subs r1, r1, r0
8000356: f021 0103 bic.w r1, r1, #3
800035a: f000 f85a bl 8000412 <__aeabi_memclr4>
800035e: f240 0000 movw r0, #0
8000362: f240 0100 movw r1, #0
8000366: f2c2 0000 movt r0, #8192 ; 0x2000
800036a: f2c2 0100 movt r1, #8192 ; 0x2000
800036e: 1a09 subs r1, r1, r0
8000370: f021 0203 bic.w r2, r1, #3
8000374: f240 4124 movw r1, #1060 ; 0x424
8000378: f6c0 0100 movt r1, #2048 ; 0x800
800037c: f000 f83f bl 80003fe <__aeabi_memcpy4>
8000380: f240 0000 movw r0, #0
8000384: f2c0 0000 movt r0, #0
8000388: 7800 ldrb r0, [r0, #0]
800038a: f3ef 8410 mrs r4, PRIMASK
800038e: b672 cpsid i
8000390: f7ff ffd2 bl 8000338 <overhead::init>
8000394: f014 0f01 tst.w r4, #1
8000398: d100 bne.n 800039c <cortex_m_rt::reset_handler+0x5c>
800039a: b662 cpsie i
800039c: f7ff ffce bl 800033c <overhead::idle>
is the entry point of the program. This routine will call the
function and then idle
function, but before it does that it initializes
RAM as evidenced by the calls to memclr4
and memcpy4
. RAM initialization is
required by all programs so we won’t count it as part of the overhead of the
RTFM framework.
After RAM initialization init
will be called within a global critical
section (rtfm::atomic
) hence the cpsid i
and cpsie i
instructions around
the call. After init
returns the critical section ends and idle
gets called.
One task
Let’s now add one task to the program:
fn init(_prio: P0, _thr: &TMax) {
fn idle(_prio: P0, _thr: T0) -> ! {
loop {
tasks!(stm32f100xx, {
t1: Task {
interrupt: Exti0Irq,
priority: P1,
enabled: true,
fn t1(_task: Exti0Irq, _prio: P1, _thr: T1) {}
The disassembly of reset_handler
08000338 <cortex_m_rt::reset_handler>:
8000386: b672 cpsid i ; start of critical section
8000388: f7ff ffd1 bl 800032e <overhead::init>
800038c: f24e 4006 movw r0, #58374 ; 0xe406
8000390: 21f0 movs r1, #240 ; 0xf0
8000392: f014 0f01 tst.w r4, #1
8000396: f2ce 0000 movt r0, #57344 ; 0xe000
800039a: 7001 strb r1, [r0, #0]
800039c: f24e 1000 movw r0, #57600 ; 0xe100
80003a0: f04f 0140 mov.w r1, #64 ; 0x40
80003a4: f2ce 0000 movt r0, #57344 ; 0xe000
80003a8: 6001 str r1, [r0, #0]
80003aa: d100 bne.n 80003ae <cortex_m_rt::reset_handler+0x76>
80003ac: b662 cpsie i ; end of critical section
80003ae: f7ff ffc0 bl 8000332 <overhead::idle>
There’s now extra code between the call to init
and the end of the global
critical section. This extra code takes care of assigning priorities to tasks
(interrupts), and also of enabling the tasks (interrupts) that were declared as
enabled: true
in the tasks!
The RTFM framework doesn’t add any extra code to tasks. Only the code you have
written will be executed. Here’s the disassembly of the empty task t1
as a
0800032e <overhead::main::INTERRUPTS::t1>:
800032e: 4770 bx lr
N tasks
Let’s add one more task:
tasks!(stm32f100xx, {
t1: Task {
interrupt: Exti0Irq,
priority: P1,
enabled: true,
t2: Task {
interrupt: Exti1Irq,
priority: P2,
enabled: true,
fn t1(_task: Exti0Irq, _prio: P1, _thr: T1) {}
fn t2(_task: Exti1Irq, _prio: P2, _thr: T2) {}
With this change the disassembly of reset_handler
08000330 <cortex_m_rt::reset_handler>:
800037e: b672 cpsid i ; start of critical section
8000380: f7ff ffd0 bl 8000324 <overhead::init>
8000384: f24e 4006 movw r0, #58374 ; 0xe406
8000388: 21f0 movs r1, #240 ; 0xf0
800038a: f014 0f01 tst.w r4, #1
800038e: f2ce 0000 movt r0, #57344 ; 0xe000
8000392: 7001 strb r1, [r0, #0]
8000394: f04f 01e0 mov.w r1, #224 ; 0xe0
8000398: 7041 strb r1, [r0, #1]
800039a: f24e 1000 movw r0, #57600 ; 0xe100
800039e: f04f 0140 mov.w r1, #64 ; 0x40
80003a2: f2ce 0000 movt r0, #57344 ; 0xe000
80003a6: 6001 str r1, [r0, #0]
80003a8: f04f 0180 mov.w r1, #128 ; 0x80
80003ac: 6001 str r1, [r0, #0]
80003ae: d100 bne.n 80003b2 <cortex_m_rt::reset_handler+0x82>
80003b0: b662 cpsie i ; end of critical section
80003b2: f7ff ffb9 bl 8000328 <overhead::idle>
If you keep adding tasks and measure the time that takes to go from the end of
to the start of idle
you’ll find out that the task setup code takes
cycles where N
is the number of tasks. The exact linear constant
depends on whether all the task have the same priority, or each one has a
different priority but 4 to 6 cycles per task is usual.
Setup runtime cost =
cycles where N = number of tasks
Shared call stack
How does the RTFM framework makes use of stack memory? How are tasks allocated on the stack? Let’s see what threaded systems do first.
On threaded systems each thread is assigned its own call stack as shown below:
The image depicts three threads: T1, T2 and T3. The stack of each thread can grow independently so its possible for the stack of one thread to overflow into the stack of the next thread, corrupting it. For this reason each thread is assigned a maximum stack size, depicted in the above figure by the black boundaries between each thread stack. To enforce these boundaries usually the Memory Protection Unit (MPU) is used; the MPU can detect stack overflows and raise an exception when they occur.
The maximum stack size of a thread must be chosen carefully. A large stack size limits the number of threads that can be running at a given time. For example, in the above figure only 3 threads fit in memory. OTOH, a small stack size makes threads more prone to stack overflows.
Under the RTFM framework all tasks share a single call stack as shown below:
This looks like a compacted version of the multithreaded memory layout.
Under the RTFM scheduler once a high priority task starts its execution all the other lower priority tasks can’t resume execution until after the high priority task is over. Because of this the stacks of suspended tasks never grow so it’s not necessary to reserve space for each task. That’s why we don’t have this empty space between the stack of each task as in the multithreaded case.
Although less likely stack overflows are still possible: the shared call stack can overflow into the heap region. Again, one can use the MPU to protect against such condition.
So how much stack space does each task use? Let’s find out.
Consider the following program:
fn idle(_prio: P0, _thr: T0) -> ! {
// Sleep
loop {
fn t1(_task: Exti0Irq, _prio: P1, _thr: T1) {
let x = 42;
// `t2` will immediately preempt this task
// Force LLVM to allocate `x` on the stack
unsafe {
fn t2(_task: Exti1Irq, _prio: P2, _thr: T2) {
let y = 24;
// Force LLVM to allocate `y` on the stack
unsafe {
08000324 <overhead::main::INTERRUPTS::t1>:
8000324: b081 sub sp, #4
8000326: 202a movs r0, #42
8000328: 2180 movs r1, #128
800032a: 9000 str r0, [sp, #0] ; x = 42
800032c: f24e 2000 movw r0, #57856
8000330: be00 bkpt 0x0000 ; t1's BKPT
8000332: f2ce 0000 movt r0, #57344
8000336: 6001 str r1, [r0, #0] ; rtfm::request
8000338: 9800 ldr r0, [sp, #0] ; ptr::read_volatile
800033a: b001 add sp, #4
800033c: 4770 bx lr
0800033e <overhead::main::INTERRUPTS::t2>:
800033e: b081 sub sp, #4
8000340: 2018 movs r0, #24
8000342: 9000 str r0, [sp, #0] ; y = 24
8000344: be00 bkpt 0x0000 ; t2's BKPT
8000346: 9800 ldr r0, [sp, #0] ; ptr::read_volatile
8000348: b001 add sp, #4
800034a: 4770 bx lr
0800034c <cortex_m_rt::reset_handler>:
80003d6: b662 cpsie i
80003d8: f44f 4152 mov.w r1, #53760
80003dc: be00 bkpt 0x0000 ; idle's BKPT
80003de: f840 c001 str.w ip, [r0, r1] ; rtfm::request
80003e2: bf30 wfi
80003e4: e7fd b.n 80003e2 <cortex_m_rt::reset_handler+0x96>
Now let’s debug it:
> continue
> # IDLE: PC = 0x080003dc, SP = 0x20001ff8
We hit idle
’s breakpoint; just before rtfm::request(t1)
is called. Let’s
print the values of some registers at this point. We’ll see in a bit why they
are relevant.
> info registers r0 r1 r2 r3 r12 lr pc xPSR
r0 0xe0001000
r1 0xd200
r2 0x0
r3 0xd100
r12 0x40
lr 0x800038d
pc 0x80003dc
xPSR 0x61000000
We continue the program execution and reach t1
’s breakpoint.
> continue
> # T1: PC = 0x08000330, SP = 0x20001fd4
At this point x
has already been allocated on the stack so if we inspect the
stack around the stack pointer (SP) we should see its value:
> x/12x $sp
0x20001fd4: (0x0000002a) [0xe0001000 0x0000d200 0x00000000
0x20001fe4: 0x0000d100 0x00000040 0x0800038d 0x080003e4
0x20001ff4: 0x61000000] 0x20001ff8 0xffffffff 0x00000000
NB The parentheses and square brackets were added by me; they are not part of GDB’s output.
At address 0x20001fd4
we see (0x0000002a)
; this is the local variable x
Next to that value we see some familiar looking values: [0xe0001000 .. 0x61000000]
; these values match the output of the info registers
executed before. Those values are, in fact, a snapshot of idle
’s state that
was pushed into the stack by the NVIC. They’re there because once t1
the NVIC will restore those values to their corresponding registers to resume
’s execution.
Here’s a snapshot of the same registers at PC = 0x08000336
> stepi
> # T1: PC = 0x08000336, SP = 0x20001fd4
> info registers r0 r1 r2 r3 r12 lr pc xPSR
r0 0xe000e200
r1 0x80
r2 0x0
r3 0xd100
r12 0x40
lr 0xfffffff9
pc 0x8000336
xPSR 0x21000016
These values don’t (necessarily) match the ones that are stored in the stack.
Let’s now skip to t2
’s breakpoint:
> continue
> # T2: PC = 0x08000344, SP = 0x20001fb0
Here’s the state of the stack at that point:
> x/20x $sp
0x20001fb0: (0x00000018) [0x0000002a 0x00000080 0x00000000
0x20001fc0: 0x0000d100 0x00000040 0xfffffff9 0x0800033a
0x20001fd0: 0x21000016] (0x0000002a) [0xe0001000 0x0000d200
0x20001fe0: 0x00000000 0x0000d100 0x00000040 0x0800038d
0x20001ff0: 0x080003e4 0x61000000] 0x20001ff8 0xffffffff
is the local variable y
, and [0x0000002a .. 0x21000016]
is a
snapshot of t1
’s state. If you are a careful reader then you probably noticed
that not all those values match the output of the last info register
The difference is due to when the registers were stacked: the stacked PC value
is 0x0800033a
and the PC value from the info register
’s output is
so the stacking happened after the info register
command was
Next on the stack is (0x0000002a)
, t1
’s x
value, and finally [0xe0001000 .. 0x61000000]
, idle
’s state from before.
So in conclusion to preserve the state of the lower priority task during
preemption at least 8 words of information have to be stored on the stack.
Remember the push
instruction in function prologues? That instruction pushes
more registers, the ones that are not stacked by default, into the stack. So,
function with prologues use more stack space.
Stack usage per suspended task = at least 8 words (32 bytes)
That’s all for the realm of tasks. Let’s now move onto the data abstractions.
Task local data
The task local data abstraction, Local
, is used to preserve state across the
different runs of a task.
provides two methods to access the inner data: borrow
. Both methods have zero synchronization overhead as Local
data is
confined to a single task.
Let’s confirm this claim by comparing this program which increases a counter:
fn t1(ref mut task: Exti0Irq, _prio: P1, _thr: T1) {
static COUNTER: Local<u32, Exti0Irq> = Local::new(0);
let state = COUNTER.borrow_mut(task);
*state += 1;
0800032e <overhead::main::INTERRUPTS::t1>:
800032e: f240 0000 movw r0, #0
8000332: f2c2 0000 movt r0, #8192 ; 0x2000
8000336: 6801 ldr r1, [r0, #0]
8000338: 3101 adds r1, #1
800033a: 6001 str r1, [r0, #0]
800033c: 4770 bx lr
Against its unsynchronized, memory unsafe version shown below:
fn t1(_task: Exti0Irq, _prio: P1, _thr: T1) {
static mut COUNTER: u32 = 0;
unsafe { COUNTER += 1 }
0800032e <overhead::main::INTERRUPTS::t1>:
800032e: f240 0000 movw r0, #0
8000332: f2c2 0000 movt r0, #8192 ; 0x2000
8000336: 6801 ldr r1, [r0, #0]
8000338: 3101 adds r1, #1
800033a: 6001 str r1, [r0, #0]
800033c: 4770 bx lr
Both versions produce exactly the same code, but the Local
version is verified
to be memory safe by the compiler. Note how the task
token doesn’t appear in
the disassembly; as the task
token is a zero sized type it doesn’t exit at
Memory overhead
is just a newtype over the protected data and imposes no overhead in
terms of memory.
You can confirm that with the following program:
fn t1(_task: Exti0Irq, _prio: P1, _thr: T1) {
static L1: Local<(), Exti0Irq> = Local::new(());
static L2: Local<u8, Exti0Irq> = Local::new(0);
static L3: Local<u16, Exti0Irq> = Local::new(0);
static L4: Local<u32, Exti0Irq> = Local::new(0);
static L5: Local<u64, Exti0Irq> = Local::new(0);
hprintln!("{}", mem::size_of_val(&L1));
hprintln!("{}", mem::size_of_val(&L2));
hprintln!("{}", mem::size_of_val(&L3));
hprintln!("{}", mem::size_of_val(&L4));
hprintln!("{}", mem::size_of_val(&L5));
which prints:
$ openocd -f (..)
In conclusion the Local
abstraction is no different than using an unsafe
static mut
variable in terms of memory usage and the runtime cost of accessing
it. In Rust we call these abstractions zero cost abstractions. Local
is a
zero cost abstraction that makes global variables memory safe by pinning them to
a single task.
The RTFM framework provides a Resource
abstraction that can be used to safely
share data between tasks. Let’s analyze their overhead.
provides an access
method that grants access to its inner data.
Some conditions need to be met for access
to work; if any of those
conditions is not met then the program doesn’t compile. Once the conditions are
met the access
method, itself, is zero cost.
Let’s confirm that by comparing the counting program ported to use a Resource
static COUNTER: Resource<Cell<u32>, C1> = Resource::new(Cell::new(0));
fn t1(_: Exti0, ref prio: P1, ref thr: T1) {
let counter = COUNTER.access(prio, thr);
counter.set(counter.get() + 1);
0800032e <overhead::main::INTERRUPTS::t1>:
800032e: f240 0000 movw r0, #0
8000332: f2c2 0000 movt r0, #8192 ; 0x2000
8000336: 6801 ldr r1, [r0, #0]
8000338: 3101 adds r1, #1
800033a: 6001 str r1, [r0, #0]
800033c: 4770 bx lr
Against its unsynchronized, memory unsafe version (which we already saw in the
fn t1(_task: Exti0Irq, _prio: P1, _thr: T1) {
static mut COUNTER: u32 = 0;
unsafe { COUNTER += 1 }
0800032e <overhead::main::INTERRUPTS::t1>:
800032e: f240 0000 movw r0, #0
8000332: f2c2 0000 movt r0, #8192 ; 0x2000
8000336: 6801 ldr r1, [r0, #0]
8000338: 3101 adds r1, #1
800033a: 6001 str r1, [r0, #0]
800033c: 4770 bx lr
The produced code is exactly the same. Again, the tokens don’t exist at runtime.
When a resource is accessed by two tasks that have different priorities the
lowest priority task will have to create a critical section using the
method. For the span of this critical section the task’s
preemption threshold is temporarily raised to prevent the higher priority task
from preempting the lower priority one. Only within this critical section can
the lower priority task access the resource in a memory safe manner that’s free
of data races.
Let’s see what’s the overhead of a Threshold.raise
critical section by timing
the following program:
static R1: Resource<(), C2> = Resource::new(());
fn t1(_: Exti0, _: P1, thr: T1) {
rtfm::bkpt(); // before
&R1, |_thr| {
rtfm::bkpt(); // inside
rtfm::bkpt(); // after
0800032e <overhead::main::INTERRUPTS::t1>:
800032e: 21e0 movs r1, #224 ; 0xe0
8000330: be00 bkpt 0x0000 ; before
8000332: f3ef 8011 mrs r0, BASEPRI
8000336: f381 8812 msr BASEPRI_MAX, r1
800033a: be00 bkpt 0x0000 ; inside
800033c: f380 8811 msr BASEPRI, r0
8000340: be00 bkpt 0x0000 ; after
8000342: 4770 bx lr
In the disassembly you can see the secret sauce of the RTFM framework: the
BASEPRI register. The value of this register is the preemption threshold of
the system. The critical section is started by raising the preemption threshold,
using the msr BASEPRI_MAX
instruction, and then finished by restoring the
previous preemption threshold, using the msr BASEPRI
So how long does it take to enter and exit the critical section?
> continue
> # PC = 0x08000330, (CYCCNT & 0xff) = 0xdb
> continue
> # PC = 0x0800033a, (CYCCNT & 0xff) = 0xde
> continue
> # PC = 0x08000340, (CYCCNT & 0xff) = 0xdf
> print 0xdf - 0xdb
$1 = 4
Entering and leaving the critical section takes only 4 cycles. This overhead is
the same regardless of the number of tasks that get blocked by the critical
section. So, O(1)
runtime cost.
Critical section overhead = 4 cycles
vs rtfm::atomic
How does this overhead compare to the overhead of a global 2 critical
section (rtfm::atomic
)? Let’s find out with this program:
fn t1(_task: Exti0Irq, _prio: P1, ref thr: T1) {
rtfm::bkpt(); // before
|_| {
rtfm::bkpt(); // inside
rtfm::bkpt(); // after
Here’s the disassembly of the program:
0800032e <overhead::main::INTERRUPTS::t1>:
800032e: be00 bkpt 0x0000 ; before
8000330: f3ef 8010 mrs r0, PRIMASK
8000334: b672 cpsid i
8000336: be00 bkpt 0x0000 ; inside
8000338: f010 0f01 tst.w r0, #1
800033c: d100 bne.n 8000340 <overhead::main::INTERRUPTS::t1+0x12>
800033e: b662 cpsie i
8000340: be00 bkpt 0x0000 ; after
8000342: 4770 bx lr
Global critical sections use the PRIMASK register to block all tasks. The
critical section is started by disabling all the tasks, using the cpsid i
instruction (sets PRIMASK to 1), and finished by re-enabling them, using the
cpsie i
instruction (sets PRIMASK to 0). There’s a catch here: if the tasks
were already disabled before the critical section started then they should
not be re-enabled when the critical section ends – if you were wondering:
this situation occurs when rtfm::atomic
sections are nested. This is why
PRIMASK is read before starting the critical section: to check whether the
tasks were already disabled or not.
How do critical sections fare in terms of runtime overhead?
> continue
> # PC = 0x0800032e, (CYCCNT & 0xff) = 0xe7
> continue
> # PC = 0x08000336, (CYCCNT & 0xff) = 0xea
> continue
> # PC = 0x08000340, (CYCCNT & 0xff) = 0xed
> print 0xed - 0xe7
$1 = 6
Entering and leaving a global critical section takes 6 cycles; this is slower
than the Threshold.raise
critical section!
In conclusion RTFM style critical sections not only impose less task blocking than global critical sections; they also have a lower runtime overhead.
Memory overhead
Resources have zero memory overhead. Like Local
, Resource
is just a newtype
over the protected data. The ceiling of each resource is fixed, and it’s tracked
in the type system so it’s not stored in memory at runtime.
You can confirm that with the following program:
static R1: Resource<(), C1> = Resource::new(());
static R2: Resource<u8, C1> = Resource::new(0);
static R3: Resource<u16, C1> = Resource::new(0);
static R4: Resource<u32, C1> = Resource::new(0);
static R5: Resource<u64, C1> = Resource::new(0);
fn t1(_task: Exti0Irq, _prio: P1, _thr: T1) {
hprintln!("{}", mem::size_of_val(&R1));
hprintln!("{}", mem::size_of_val(&R2));
hprintln!("{}", mem::size_of_val(&R3));
hprintln!("{}", mem::size_of_val(&R4));
hprintln!("{}", mem::size_of_val(&R5));
which prints:
$ openocd -f (..)
A nonzero cost pattern
There is catch with resources: they don’t hand out mutable references (&mut-
to their inner data, only shared references. To achieve mutation through shared
references either a Cell
or a RefCell
must be used. If you are dealing with
primitives like i32
and bool
then Cell
gives you a zero cost way to mutate
the data, but anything more complex that requires mutation via &mut self
require a RefCell
. The problem with RefCell
s is that they have obligatory
runtime checks to enforce that Rust borrowing rules are preserved.
From the POV of concurrency if a task meets the conditions to access
resource then it has exclusive access to that resource as no other task can
preempt it and access the same resource. So, from the POV of concurrency
returning a mutable reference is perfectly valid. However, access
returning a mutable reference doesn’t sit well with Rust borrowing rules:
mutable aliasing is a problem even within a single thread / context / task as
it can lead to pointer invalidation 3 4.
The task local data abstraction faces the same situation, but Local
provide a safe borrow_mut
method that hands out mutable references. Why is
that method safe? Because of its signature:
impl<DATA, TASK> Local<DATA, TASK> {
pub fn borrow_mut<'task>(
&'static self,
_task: &'task mut TASK,
) -> &'task mut DATA {
takes a mutable reference to the task token; this freezes the
task token making it impossible to use borrow_mut
for as long as the returned
mutable reference is in scope. This does prevent mutable aliasing as shown
fn t1(ref mut task: Exti0Irq, _prio: P1, _thr: T1) {
static STATE: Local<i32, Exti0Irq> = Local::new(0);
let state: &mut i32 = STATE.borrow_mut(task);
let aliased_state: &mut i32 = STATE.borrow_mut(task);
//~^ error: cannot borrow `*task` as mutable more than once at a time
However this safety mechanism is also rather restrictive because you can’t mutably borrow two different resources within the same scope:
fn t1(ref mut task: Exti0Irq, _prio: P1, _thr: T1) {
static A: Local<i32, Exti0Irq> = Local::new(0);
static B: Local<i32, Exti0Irq> = Local::new(0);
// this is valid and safe but ...
let a: &mut i32 = A.borrow_mut(task);
let b: &mut i32 = B.borrow_mut(task);
//~^ error: cannot borrow `*task` as mutable more than once at a time
*a += 1;
*b += 2;
This can, somehow, be worked around by minimizing the spans of the mutable borrows as shown below:
fn t1(ref mut task: Exti0Irq, _prio: P1, _thr: T1) {
static A: Local<i32, Exti0Irq> = Local::new(0);
static B: Local<i32, Exti0Irq> = Local::new(0);
*A.borrow_mut(task) += 1;
*B.borrow_mut(task) += 2;
But this workaround is rather unergonomic, and doesn’t work when you need to pass two mutable references to a function / method.
fn t1(ref mut task: Exti0Irq, _prio: P1, _thr: T1) {
static A: Local<i32, Exti0Irq> = Local::new(0);
static B: Local<i32, Exti0Irq> = Local::new(0);
mem::swap(A.borrow_mut(task), B.borrow_mut(task));
//~^ error: cannot borrow `*task` as mutable more than once at a time
So can we add an access_mut
method to Resource
that behaves like
? Turns out making the lifetime constraints work out is tricky
because the access
takes two arguments and already has lifetime constraint wrt
to the threshold token. It’s also likely that access_mut
will hit the borrow
restrictions shown above much more often that in the Local
case so I’m not
sure if access_mut
will actually help or rather only cause more frustration
Until we find a proper solution to the borrow restriction we have to use
s but how much overhead do they impose over the ideal solution that has
no runtime checks? Let’s check with this program:
static COUNTER: Resource<RefCell<u32>, C1> = Resource::new(RefCell::new(0));
fn t1(_task: Exti0Irq, ref prio: P1, ref thr: T1) {
let counter = COUNTER.access(prio, thr);
*counter.borrow_mut() += 1;
This is our running example of increasing a counter. Here’s the disassembly of
the RefCell
08000336 <overhead::main::INTERRUPTS::t1>:
8000336: f240 0000 movw r0, #0
800033a: be00 bkpt 0x0000
800033c: f2c2 0000 movt r0, #8192 ; 0x2000
8000340: 6801 ldr r1, [r0, #0]
8000342: b931 cbnz r1, 8000352 <overhead::main::INTERRUPTS::t1+0x1c>
8000344: 6841 ldr r1, [r0, #4]
8000346: 2200 movs r2, #0
8000348: 3101 adds r1, #1
800034a: e9c0 2100 strd r2, r1, [r0]
800034e: be00 bkpt 0x0000
8000350: 4770 bx lr
8000352: b580 push {r7, lr}
8000354: 466f mov r7, sp
8000356: f7ff feeb bl 8000130 <core::result::unwrap_failed>
And the runtime cost is 12 cycles.
> continue
> # PC = 0x0800033a, (CYCCNT & 0xff) = 0xb9
> continue
> # PC = 0x0800034e, (CYCCNT & 0xff) = 0xc5
> print 0xc5 - 0xb9
$1 = 12
Remember that we measured the Cell
version and the unsafe static mut
of this example before and they both took 6 cycles. So is the overhead a fixed
cost of 6 cycles? Let’s confirm with another program:
static COUNTER: Resource<RefCell<()>, C1> = Resource::new(RefCell::new(()));
fn t1(_task: Exti0Irq, ref prio: P1, ref thr: T1) {
let counter = COUNTER.access(prio, thr);
08000336 <overhead::main::INTERRUPTS::t1>:
8000336: f240 0000 movw r0, #0
800033a: be00 bkpt 0x0000
800033c: f2c2 0000 movt r0, #8192 ; 0x2000
8000340: 6801 ldr r1, [r0, #0]
8000342: b919 cbnz r1, 800034c <overhead::main::INTERRUPTS::t1+0x16>
8000344: 2100 movs r1, #0
8000346: 6001 str r1, [r0, #0]
8000348: be00 bkpt 0x0000
800034a: 4770 bx lr
800034c: b580 push {r7, lr}
800034e: 466f mov r7, sp
8000350: f7ff feee bl 8000130 <core::result::unwrap_failed>
Debug session:
> continue
> # PC = 0x0800033a, (CYCCNT & 0xff) = 0x93
> continue
> # PC = 0x08000348, (CYCCNT & 0xff) = 0x9a
> print 0x9a - 0x93
$1 = 7
The measurement says 7 cycles of overhead for doing a no-op borrow_mut()
. So
around 6 or 7 cycles seems to be the overhead of using RefCell.borrow_mut
The worst part of RefCell
s is that they inhibit optimizations. If we rewrite
our program like this:
static COUNTER: Resource<RefCell<u32>, C1> = Resource::new(RefCell::new(0));
fn t1(_task: Exti0Irq, ref prio: P1, ref thr: T1) {
let counter = COUNTER.access(prio, thr);
let curr = *counter.borrow();
*counter.borrow_mut() = curr + 1;
We get a much worse disassembly:
0800033e <overhead::main::INTERRUPTS::t1>:
800033e: b580 push {r7, lr}
8000340: 466f mov r7, sp
8000342: f240 0000 movw r0, #0
8000346: be00 bkpt 0x0000
8000348: f2c2 0000 movt r0, #8192 ; 0x2000
800034c: 6801 ldr r1, [r0, #0]
800034e: b931 cbnz r1, 800035e <overhead::main::INTERRUPTS::t1+0x20>
8000350: 6841 ldr r1, [r0, #4]
8000352: 2200 movs r2, #0
8000354: 3101 adds r1, #1
8000356: e9c0 2100 strd r2, r1, [r0]
800035a: be00 bkpt 0x0000
800035c: bd80 pop {r7, pc}
800035e: 1c48 adds r0, r1, #1
8000360: d101 bne.n 8000366 <overhead::main::INTERRUPTS::t1+0x28>
8000362: f7ff fee9 bl 8000138 <core::result::unwrap_failed>
8000366: f7ff fee3 bl 8000130 <core::result::unwrap_failed>
If you do the measurement:
> continue
> # PC = 0x08000346, (CYCCNT & 0xff) = 0x95
> continue
> # PC = 0x0800035a, (CYCCNT & 0xff) = 0xa1
> print 0xa1 - 0x95
$1 = 12
You get 12 cycles as before but that’s not the full story. The task now has a prologue, which increases the context switching cost, and now has two panic branches instead of one.
s also impose a memory overhead of 1 word (4 bytes) per resource:
static COUNTER: Resource<RefCell<()>, C1> = Resource::new(RefCell::new(()));
fn t1(_task: Exti0Irq, ref prio: P1, ref thr: T1) {
hprintln!("{}", mem::size_of_val(&COUNTER));
This program outputs:
$ openocd -f (.)
Less overhead using unsafe
Can we improve the situation somehow? Well, one can use unsafe
to optimize
away the RefCell
runtime check. But is that actually safe?
Resources have the following property: “once a task has accessed a resource then
no other task that may access the same resource can start”, where “start” here
means preempt the current task. You can flip that property into: “by the time a
task accesses a resource no other outstanding borrows to the resource data can
exist in other tasks”. Taking this to the RefCell
context: “the first time a
task accesses a RefCell
resource the borrow count of the RefCell
is zero”.
Or conversely: “as long as Rust borrowing rules are not broken within a task
the dynamic borrows of a RefCell
can’t fail”.
Translating that into code:
static COUNTER: Resource<RefCell<u32>, C1> = Resource::new(RefCell::new(0));
fn t1(_task: Exti0Irq, ref prio: P1, ref thr: T1) {
// first access to COUNTER in this task
let counter = COUNTER.access(prio, thr);
match counter.try_borrow_mut() {
Ok(mut counter) => *counter += 1,
// we know that this is not reachable because no other task can have
// a reference to COUNTER's inner data and this is the first dynamic
// borrow of COUNTER in this task
Err(_) => unsafe { intrinsics::unreachable() },
0800032e <overhead::main::INTERRUPTS::t1>:
800032e: f240 0000 movw r0, #0
8000332: be00 bkpt 0x0000
8000334: 2200 movs r2, #0
8000336: f2c2 0000 movt r0, #8192 ; 0x2000
800033a: 6841 ldr r1, [r0, #4]
800033c: 3101 adds r1, #1
800033e: e9c0 2100 strd r2, r1, [r0]
8000342: be00 bkpt 0x0000
8000344: 4770 bx lr
The measurement says that this program takes 9 cycles. Remember than the ideal version took 6 cycles.
> continue
> # PC = 0x08000332, (CYCCNT & 0xff) = 0x9f
> continue
> # PC = 0x08000342, (CYCCNT & 0xff) = 0xa8
> print 0xa8 - 0x9f
$1 = 9
This helps a bit with the runtime overhead, but doesn’t remove the borrow counter from the resource so the resource still has a memory overhead of one word. At the end it’s probably not worth to lose memory safety to reduce a bit of runtime overhead.
Wow, that’s was a lot (again). Sorry, I probably overdid myself a little up
there. I hope you now have a better idea of what RTFM does under the hood; it
actually does very little! And I hope that’s also clear that most of the
guarantees that RTFM provides are enforced at compile time and don’t involve
runtime checks. Hopefully we’ll get rid of RefCell
at some point.
Next up: measuring performance at runtime, and then, finally, some applications.
Thank you patrons! ❤️
I want to wholeheartedly thank Iban Eguia, Aaron Turon, Geoff Cant, Harrison Chin, Brandon Edens, whitequark, J. Ryan Stinnett and 14 more people for supporting my work on Patreon.
Let’s discuss on reddit.
Initial version of the program used throughout this post:
// version = "0.2.7"
extern crate cortex_m;
// version = "0.2.0"
extern crate cortex_m_rt;
// version = "0.1.0"
extern crate cortex_m_rtfm as rtfm;
// git = ""
extern crate vl;
use core::ptr;
use cortex_m::asm;
use rtfm::{P0, P1, T0, T1, TMax};
use vl::stm32f100xx::interrupt::Exti0Irq;
use vl::stm32f100xx;
peripherals!(stm32f100xx, {
DWT: Peripheral {
register_block: Dwt,
ceiling: C1,
fn init(ref prio: P0, thr: &TMax) {
// NB the cycle counter is disabled by default
let dwt = DWT.access(prio, thr);
fn idle(_prio: P0, _thr: T0) -> ! {
// Start task `t1`
// Sleep
loop {
tasks!(stm32f100xx, {
t1: Task {
interrupt: Exti0Irq,
priority: P1,
enabled: true,
fn t1(_task: Exti0Irq, ref prio: P1, ref thr: T1) {
let dwt = DWT.access(prio, thr);
let before =;
let after =;
let elapsed = after.wrapping_sub(before);
unsafe { ptr::write_volatile(0x2000_0000 as *mut _, elapsed) }
The technical reference manual (warning big PDF file), in figure 5-2, indicates a worst case scenario of 12 cycles for the interrupt latency. ↩︎
Remember that
critical sections are not global as they don’t block all the other tasks; instead they only block tasks that could cause data races. ↩︎ - ↩︎
- ↩︎
You can find more details about
in [this thread] [this thread]: ↩︎