RTFM v2: simpler, less overhead and more device support

July 29, 2017 by Jorge Aparicio

Hiya folks! It’s been a while. Today I’m pleased to present the next version of the Real Time For the Masses framework: cortex-m-rtfm v0.2.0 or just v2, which is how I like to call it.

Here’s the executive summary of the changes:

  • v2 is simpler. v1 used a bunch of tokens – ceiling tokens, priority tokens, preemption threshold tokens and task tokens – for memory safety; this made the API rather boilerplatery. Now most of the tokens as well as the boilerplate are gone. Porting applications from v1 to v2 should see a reduction of about 10 to 30% in lines of code.

  • v2 has even less overhead. A long standing issue with the borrow checker that required using Cell or RefCell as a workaround has been fixed. Making the Resource abstraction truly zero cost.

  • v2 fully supports Cortex-M0(+) devices. Now all the Cortex-M devices have the same level of support in cortex-m-rtfm. Not only that but there’s also a port of this version of RTFM for the MSP430 architecture – with the exact same API.

The new API

Let’s dig into the new API by porting some of applications I showed to you in the introduction post of RTFM.

All the examples shown here target the “Blue Pill” development board.

Hello world

This is the simplest RTFM application: it has no tasks.

#![feature(proc_macro)] // <- IMPORTANT! Feature gate for procedural macros

// git = "https://github.com/japaric/blue-pill", rev = "2b7d5c56b25f4efad6c7c40042f884cbecb47c0b"
extern crate blue_pill;

// version = "0.2.0"
extern crate cortex_m_rtfm as rtfm; // <- this rename is required

// version = "0.2.0"
extern crate cortex_m_semihosting as semihosting;

use core::fmt::Write;

use rtfm::app; // <- this is a procedural macro
use semihosting::hio;

// This macro expands into the `main` function
app! {
    // this is a path to a _device_ crate, a crate generated using svd2rust
    device: blue_pill::stm32f103xx,

fn init(_p: init::Peripherals) {
    // Nothing to initialize in this example ...

fn idle() -> ! {
    writeln!(hio::hstdout().unwrap(), "Hello, world!").unwrap();

    // Go to sleep
    loop {

The most notable change is that the tasks! macro is gone and has been replaced with a procedural macro: app!. Procedural macros are the next iteration of the Rust macro / plugin system and are not yet stable so a feature gate is required. Don’t forget to include it! Or you’ll get some rather obscure errors. Procedural macros are imported into scope using the normal use mechanism, as if they were functions.

Like the old tasks! macro the app! macro expects a path to the device crate as an argument. However, the app! macro uses this key: value syntax so the path must be supplied as the value of the device key.

app! will expand into a main function that will call init and then idle, as it did in the previous version. If you didn’t know, you can see what macros expand to using the cargo-expand subcommand. Here’s the expansion of the app! macro used in the previous program:

$ xargo expand
// ..

mod init {
    pub use blue_pill::stm32f103xx::Peripherals;

fn main() {
    let init: fn(stm32f103xx::Peripherals) = init;

    rtfm::atomic(unsafe { &mut rtfm::Threshold::new(0) }, |_t| unsafe {

    let idle: fn() -> ! = idle;


// ..

As you can see above the init function runs within a global critical section and can’t be preempted during its execution. For that reason it has full access to all the peripherals of the device in the form of the init::Peripherals argument. In the previous version of RTFM you had to explicitly declare all the peripherals you were going to use in your application as resources, as a bunch of static variables. None of that boilerplate is required in this version.

Serial loopback

Next let’s port the serial loopback application from v1 to v2. Here’s the full code:


extern crate blue_pill;
extern crate cortex_m_rtfm as rtfm;

use blue_pill::Serial;
use blue_pill::prelude::*;
use blue_pill::serial::Event;
use blue_pill::time::Hertz;
use rtfm::{app, Threshold};

const BAUD_RATE: Hertz = Hertz(115_200);

app! {
    device: blue_pill::stm32f103xx,

    tasks: {
        // this "USART1" refers to the interrupt
        USART1: {
            path: loopback,

            // this "USART1" refers to the peripheral
            resources: [USART1],

fn init(p: init::Peripherals) {
    let serial = Serial(p.USART1);

    serial.init(BAUD_RATE.invert(), p.AFIO, None, p.GPIOA, p.RCC);

    // RXNE event = a new byte of data has arrived

fn idle() -> ! {
    // Sleep
    loop {

fn loopback(_t: &mut Threshold, r: USART1::Resources) {
    let serial = Serial(&**r.USART1);

    // grab the byte we just received
    let byte = serial.read().unwrap();

    // and send it back

Here we re-introduce the concept of tasks. A task is effectively a response to some (external) event in the form of a handler / callback function. In this case the only event the application will respond to is the arrival of new data through the serial interface. And the response to that event, the loopback function, is to send back the received data through the serial interface.

This program initializes the serial interface in init and then goes to sleep in idle. But whenever a new byte of data arrives through the serial interface it will temporarily wake up to execute the loopback handler; then it will go back to sleep. In more detail: the new data event causes the loopback task to become pending. As the loopback task has higher priority than the idle loop (all tasks have higher priority than idle) the scheduler will suspend idle to execute the loopback task – this is known as preemption. Once the task is completed idle is resumed; this sends the processor back to sleep.

Code wise tasks are declared in the app! macro. As each task is associated to an interrupt (interrupts are a hardware mechanism for preemption) they are declared using the name of the interrupt – USART1 in this case. The task declaration must include: the path to the task handler and which resources the task has access to. The resources can be peripherals or plain data (static variables).

This last part, the resources array, is the most important change since v1. In v1 resources had global visibility and the user had to assign them a ceiling to make them safe to share between tasks. This was not optimal: although it was impossible to pick a ceiling that would break memory safety it was possible to pick a ceiling that imposed more critical sections, and thus more runtime overhead, than strictly necessary for memory safety.

In v2 you assign resources to tasks and the optimal ceilings are computed automatically so the number of critical sections is minimized without user effort. Memory safety, in v2, is obtained by limiting where the resource is visible (that is its scope), so resources no longer have global visibility. Dropping global visibility eliminated the need for most of the tokens needed in v1.

In this particular program the loopback task needs access to the USART1 peripheral so USART1 is declared as its resource. As no other task, or the idle loop, has access the same resource the loopback task ends up having exclusive access to the USART1 resource, that is a mutable reference (&mut-) to the peripheral. This mutable reference is packed in the USART1::Resources argument.


Now let’s port the classic “blinky” application to v2. The v1 version is here.


extern crate blue_pill;
extern crate cortex_m;
extern crate cortex_m_rtfm as rtfm;

use blue_pill::led::{self, Green};
use cortex_m::peripheral::SystClkSource;
use rtfm::{app, Threshold};

app! {
    device: blue_pill::stm32f103xx,

    resources: {
        static ON: bool = false;

    tasks: {
        SYS_TICK: {
            path: toggle,
            resources: [ON],

fn init(p: init::Peripherals, _r: init::Resources) {
    led::init(p.GPIOC, p.RCC);

    // Configure the system timer to generate periodic events at 1 Hz rate
    p.SYST.set_reload(8_000_000); // Period = 1s

fn idle() -> ! {
    // Sleep
    loop {


// Toggle the state of the LED
fn toggle(_t: &mut Threshold, r: SYS_TICK::Resources) {
    **r.ON = !**r.ON;

    if **r.ON {
    } else {

Again we have a single task and that task has only one resource. However, this time the resource is not a peripheral but plain data. The ON variable tracks whether the LED is on or off.

Data resources must be declared and initialized in the resources key of the app! macro. Declaration of data resources looks exactly like the declaration of static variables.

Like in the previous program the toggle task is the only “owner” of the ON resource so it has exclusive access (&mut-) to it.

If you were wondering “what’s up with the double dereference (**) in the toggle function?” that’s required becaused the type of r.ON is &mut Static<bool> instead of &mut bool; both are semantically equal because Static is just a newtype. The Static newtype comes in handy when dealing with DMA based APIs and code that deals with resources in a generic fashion.

One extra thing to note here is that we are using the SYS_TICK exception, which is available to all Cortex-M microcontrollers, as a task instead of a device specific interrupt like TIM2. This is something new in v2; v1 didn’t support these Cortex-M exceptions.

If you are a careful observer then you probably noticed that the signature of the init function changed in this program: it now includes a init::Resources argument. This argument is a collection of all the data resources declared in app!. Basically the init function has exclusive access (&mut-) to all the data resources; this can be used to initialize resources at runtime.


In the next example we’ll merge the previous loopback and blinky programs into one. The resulting program will run the two tasks concurrently. As there’s no data sharing because each task uses different resources merging the two programs is straightforward. Here’s the full code:


extern crate blue_pill;
extern crate cortex_m;
extern crate cortex_m_rtfm as rtfm;

use blue_pill::Serial;
use blue_pill::led::{self, Green};
use blue_pill::prelude::*;
use blue_pill::serial::Event;
use blue_pill::time::Hertz;
use cortex_m::peripheral::SystClkSource;
use rtfm::{app, Threshold};

const BAUD_RATE: Hertz = Hertz(115_200);

app! {
    device: blue_pill::stm32f103xx,

    resources: {
        static ON: bool = false;

    // There are now two tasks!
    tasks: {
        SYS_TICK: {
            path: toggle,
            resources: [ON],

        USART1: {
            path: loopback,
            resources: [USART1],

// The new `init` is the fusion of the other two programs' `init` functions
fn init(p: init::Peripherals, _r: init::Resources) {
    let serial = Serial(p.USART1);

    led::init(p.GPIOC, p.RCC);

    serial.init(BAUD_RATE.invert(), p.AFIO, None, p.GPIOA, p.RCC);

    p.SYST.set_reload(8_000_000); // 1s

fn idle() -> ! {
    loop {


// Task code is unchanged
fn loopback(_t: &mut Threshold, r: USART1::Resources) {
    let serial = Serial(&**r.USART1);

    let byte = serial.read().unwrap();

// Task code is unchanged
fn toggle(_t: &mut Threshold, r: SYS_TICK::Resources) {
    **r.ON = !**r.ON;

    if **r.ON {
    } else {

Sharing data

Now let’s see what happens if both tasks need to modify the same resource. Let’s say we want to count the number of context switches, which is the number of times the processor wakes up to run a task, for performance tracking purposes. For simplicity, we’ll omit the part that logs the performance metrics. The required changes are shown below:

app! {
    device: blue_pill::stm32f103xx,

    resources: {
        static CONTEXT_SWITCHES: u32 = 0; // <- NEW!
        static ON: bool = false;

    tasks: {
        SYS_TICK: {
            path: toggle,
            resources: [CONTEXT_SWITCHES, ON], // <- NEW!

        USART1: {
            path: loopback,
            resources: [CONTEXT_SWITCHES, USART1], // <- NEW!

fn loopback(r: USART1::Resources) {
    **r.CONTEXT_SWITCHES += 1; // <- NEW!

    // .. same code as before ..

fn toggle(r: SYS_TICK::Resources) {
    **r.CONTEXT_SWITCHES += 1; // <- NEW!

    // .. same code as before ..

    // .. some code that logs `CONTEXT_SWITCHES` and resets its value to 0 ..

Another straightforward change but only because both tasks are operating at the same priority so one task can only start if the other one is not running. This means that no data race is possible so each task has exclusive access (&mut-) to the CONTEXT_SWITCHES resource in turns.


RTFM supports prioritization of tasks. As I mentioned before when a higher priority task becomes pending the scheduler suspends the current task to run the higher priority task to completion. If not specified in the app! macro all tasks default to a priority of 1, which is the lowest priority a task can have. idle, on the other hand, has a priority of 0.

Let’s suppose we now want to increase the priority of the loopback task because the incoming data throughput has increased and waiting for the toggle task to end before we can service loopback may cause data loss.

If we go ahead and simply increase the priority of the loopback to 2 in the previous program it will no longer compile:

app! {
    device: blue_pill::stm32f103xx,

    resources: {
        static CONTEXT_SWITCHES: u32 = 0;
        static ON: bool = false;

    tasks: {
        SYS_TICK: {
            path: toggle,
            priority: 1, // <- this can be omitted, but let's be explicit for clarity
            resources: [CONTEXT_SWITCHES, ON],

        USART1: {
            path: loopback,
            priority: 2, // <- priority increased
            resources: [CONTEXT_SWITCHES, USART1],

// ..
$ xargo build
error[E0614]: type `_resource::CONTEXT_SWITCHES` cannot be dereferenced
  --> examples/sharing.rs:75:6
75 |     **r.CONTEXT_SWITCHES += 1;
   |      ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^

error: aborting due to previous error

The code around line 75 is this one:

fn toggle(r: SYS_TICK::Resources) {
    **r.CONTEXT_SWITCHES += 1;

    // .. same code as before ..

So the toggle task can no longer directly access the CONTEXT_SWITCHES resource data. Good! This compile error just prevented a data race: with the priority change loopback can now preempt the toggle task; since incrementing CONTEXT_SWITCHES is not performed in a single instruction but as a Read Modify Write (RMW) operation the two RMW operations, the one in loopback and one in toggle, can now race and that can result in data loss as shown below:

start:    CONTEXT_SWITCHES == 1

toggle:   let mut register = CONTEXT_SWITCHES.read(); // register = 1
toggle:   register += 1;                              // register = 2

~ interrupt start ~

loopback: let mut register = CONTEXT_SWITCHES.read(); // register = 1
loopback: register += 1;                              // register = 2
loopback: CONTEXT_SWITCHES.store(register);           // CONTEXT_SWITCHES = 2

~ interrupt end ~

toggle:   CONTEXT_SWITCHES.store(register);           // CONTEXT_SWITCHES = 2

end:      CONTEXT_SWITCHES == 2                       // should have been 3!

Which doesn’t seem too bad, but if either task was performing a more complex operation on CONTEXT_SWITCHES this data race could have resulted in Undefined Behavior (UB) due to compiler misoptimizations.

To eliminate this data race we have to use critical section: enter claim and claim_mut.

fn toggle(t: &mut Threshold, mut r: SYS_TICK::Resources) {
    use rtfm::Resource; // <- trait that provides the `claim{,_mut}` method

    r.CONTEXT_SWITCHES.claim_mut(t, |context_switches, _t| {
        // Inside a critical section
        **context_switches += 1;

    // ..

claim_mut creates a critical section and only within this critical section can the resource data be read and modified. This critical section makes the RMW operation on CONTEXT_SWITCHES uninterruptible by the loopback task. Now the concurrent RMW operations can’t overlap and the possibility of data races has been eliminated.

That’s pretty much it for the core of the new API. As usual you can check out the API documentation on docs.rs.

Critical sections and Threshold

I think this is good time to tell you, or remind you, that RTFM has two flavors of critical sections: global ones and non-global ones. The non-global ones are the ones you get when you use claim and claim_mut; these critical sections prevent some tasks from preempting the current one whereas global critical sections prevent all tasks from starting.

As a rule of thumb you should only use non global critical sections unless you really need a global critical section. Non global critical sections impose less task blocking so are they better from a real time scheduling point of view.

Here’s a contrived example that showcases the two types of critical sections:


extern crate blue_pill;
extern crate cortex_m;
extern crate cortex_m_rtfm as rtfm;

use blue_pill::stm32f103xx::Interrupt;
use rtfm::{app, Resource, Threshold};

app! {
    device: blue_pill::stm32f103xx,

    resources: {
        static R1: bool = false;

    tasks: {
        EXTI0: {
            path: exti0,
            priority: 1,
            resources: [R1],

        EXTI1: {
            path: exti1,
            priority: 2,
            resources: [R1],

        EXTI2: {
            path: exti2,
            priority: 3,

fn init(_p: init::Peripherals, _r: init::Resources) {}

fn idle() -> ! {
    loop {

fn exti0(t: &mut Threshold, r: EXTI0::Resources) {
    // Threshold == 1

    rtfm::set_pending(Interrupt::EXTI1); // ~> exti1

    // non-global critical section
    r.R1.claim(t, |_r1, _t| {
        // Threshold = 2

        rtfm::set_pending(Interrupt::EXTI2); // ~> exti2
    }); // Threshold = 1

    // ~> exti1

    // global critical section
    rtfm::atomic(t, |t| {
        // Threshold = MAX
        let _r1 = r.R1.borrow(t);


    }); // Threshold = 1

    // ~> exti2, exti1

fn exti1(_r: EXTI1::Resources) {
    // .. modify R1 ..

fn exti2() {
    // ..

In exti0 the data of R1 is accessed using a non global critical section and then again using a global critical section. Both critical sections contain pretty much the same code but behave differently. Let’s see why:

But first let’s define what Threshold is – I have been ignoring it for a while now. Threshold is a token that keeps track of the current preemption threshold. This threshold indicates what priority a task must have to be able to preempt the current task. A threshold of 1 means that a task must have at least a priority of 2 to preempt the current task.

Now let’s go back to the program analysis:

Because the priority of exti0 is 1 the preemption threshold, tracked by the token t, starts at a value of 1. At the start of exti0 we set the task EXTI1 as pending. Because EXTI1 has a priority of 2, which is greater than the current preemption threshold of 1, it will be executed immediately.

Then we claim the resource R1; this creates a critical section by increasing the preemption threshold, now tracked by _t, to 2. Within this critical section the data of the resource R1 can be read through the _r1 reference. Then, within the critical section, we set the task EXTI1 as pending; however, the task won’t be executed immediately because its priority, 2, is equal to the current preemption threshold of 2. Then we set the task EXTI2 as pending; this time the task will be serviced immediately because its priority, 3, is higher than the current threshold of 2.

Once the claim ends the threshold is restored to its previous value of 1. Now the task EXTI1 can again preempt the current task so it gets executed.

Then we have rtfm::atomic, a global critical section. Within this critical section we can access the data of the resource R1 using the borrow method. A global critical section effectively raises the preemption threshold to its maximum possible value so no task can preempt it. Within this critical section we set the tasks EXTI1 and EXTI2 as pending, but none of them can run because of the threshold value.

Once rtfm::atomic ends the preemption threshold is restored to its previous value of 1. Now the tasks can be serviced: EXTI2 is serviced first, because of its higher priority, then EXTI1 is serviced.


I wrote a blog post where I analyzed the runtime cost of the primitives provided by RTFM v1. Those numbers mostly hold for v2 with the difference that claim and claim_mut are equivalent to v1’s Threshold.raise but only when the threshold needs to be raised; when the threshold doesn’t need to be raised claim and claim_mut are no-ops. To elaborate with an example:

This single claim

app! {
    // ..

    tasks: {
        EXTI0: {
            path: exti0,
            priority: 1,
            resources: [R1],

        EXTI1: {
            path: exti1,
            priority: 2,
            resources: [R1],

fn exti0(t: &mut Threshold, r: EXTI0::Resources) {
    r.R1.claim(t, |_r1, _t| {

produces this machine code

08000196 <EXTI0>:
 8000196:       f3ef 8011       mrs     r0, BASEPRI
 800019a:       21e0            movs    r1, #224        ; 0xe0
 800019c:       f381 8812       msr     BASEPRI, r1     ; enter
 80001a0:       bf00            nop
 80001a2:       f380 8811       msr     BASEPRI, r0     ; exit
 80001a6:       4770            bx      lr

Whereas this nested claim

app! {
    // ..

    tasks: {
        EXTI0: {
            path: exti0,
            priority: 1,
            resources: [R1, R2],

        EXTI1: {
            path: exti1,
            priority: 2,
            resources: [R1, R2],

fn exti0(t: &mut Threshold, r: EXTI0::Resources) {
    r.R1.claim(t, |_r1, t| {

        r.R2.claim(t, |_r2, _t| {


produces this machine code

08000196 <EXTI0>:
 8000196:       f3ef 8011       mrs     r0, BASEPRI
 800019a:       21e0            movs    r1, #224        ; 0xe0
 800019c:       f381 8812       msr     BASEPRI, r1     ; enter
 80001a0:       bf00            nop
 80001a2:       bf00            nop
 80001a4:       bf00            nop
 80001a6:       f380 8811       msr     BASEPRI, r0     ; exit
 80001aa:       4770            bx      lr

The inner claim is a no-op here because the threshold doesn’t need to be raised again to achieve memory safety.

On the other hand, this similarly looking nested claim

app! {
    // ..

    tasks: {
        EXTI0: {
            path: exti0,
            priority: 1,
            resources: [R1, R2],

        EXTI1: {
            path: exti1,
            priority: 2,
            resources: [R1],

        EXTI2: {
            path: exti2,
            priority: 3,
            resources: [R2],

fn exti0(t: &mut Threshold, r: EXTI0::Resources) {
    r.R1.claim(t, |_r1, t| {

        r.R2.claim(t, |_r2, _t| {


does result in two nested critical sections

08000196 <EXTI0>:
 8000196:       21e0            movs    r1, #224        ; 0xe0
 8000198:       f3ef 8011       mrs     r0, BASEPRI
 800019c:       22d0            movs    r2, #208        ; 0xd0
 800019e:       f381 8812       msr     BASEPRI, r1     ; enter outer
 80001a2:       bf00            nop
 80001a4:       f3ef 8111       mrs     r1, BASEPRI
 80001a8:       f382 8812       msr     BASEPRI, r2     ; enter inner
 80001ac:       bf00            nop
 80001ae:       f381 8811       msr     BASEPRI, r1     ; exit inner
 80001b2:       bf00            nop
 80001b4:       f380 8811       msr     BASEPRI, r0     ; exit outer
 80001b8:       4770            bx      lr

because they are required for memory safety in this case.


The overhead of rtfm::atomic has also been reduced. This critical section works by temporarily disabling interrupts. In v1, rtfm::atomic checked at runtime (by reading the PRIMASK register) if interrupts were disabled before executing the closure to prevent enabling the interrupts after executing the closure. This check is not necessary in v2 because the signature of rtfm::atomic has changed to take the Threshold token, which contains information about the state of interrupts, so whether the interrupts are enabled or not is now known at compile time.

This code

fn exti0(t: &mut Threshold, r: EXTI0::Resources) {

    rtfm::atomic(t, |_t| {});


now produces this machine code

08000198 <EXTI0>:
 8000198:       be00            bkpt    0x0000
 800019a:       b672            cpsid   i
 800019c:       b662            cpsie   i
 800019e:       be00            bkpt    0x0000
 80001a0:       4770            bx      lr

The runtime overhead of v2’s rtfm::atomic is 3 cycles, down from the 6 cycles of v1.

If nested the inner rtfm::atomic become a no-op. For example, this

fn exti0(t: &mut Threshold, r: EXTI0::Resources) {
    rtfm::atomic(t, |t| {

        rtfm::atomic(t, |_t| {


produces this:

08000196 <EXTI0>:
 8000196:       b672            cpsid   i
 8000198:       bf00            nop
 800019a:       bf00            nop
 800019c:       bf00            nop
 800019e:       b662            cpsie   i
 80001a0:       4770            bx      lr

Zero cost mutation

The area where v2 does much better than v1, in terms of performance, is mutation of non primitive types. In v1 you could only get a shared reference (&-), to the resource data. This meant that you had to use a Cell or a RefCell to mutate the data; these two abstractions have overhead compared to a plain mutable reference (&mut-). In v2 you can get a mutable reference to the data with no extra overhead.

Here’s some code that didn’t compile in v1 (without the help of Cell / RefCell).

app! {
    device: blue_pill::stm32f103xx,

    resources: {
        static A: i32 = 0;
        static B: i32 = 0;

    tasks: {
        EXTI0: {
            path: exti0,
            priority: 1,
            resources: [A, B],

        EXTI1: {
            path: exti1,
            priority: 2,
            resources: [A, B],

// higher priority task
fn exti1(t: &mut Threshold, r: EXTI1::Resources) {
    **r.A += 1;
    **r.B += 2;

    mem::swap(r.A, r.B);

// lower priority task
fn exti0(
    t: &mut Threshold,
    EXTI0::Resources { mut A, mut B }: EXTI0::Resources,
) {
    A.claim_mut(t, |a, _| **a += 1);
    B.claim_mut(t, |b, _| **b += 2);

    A.claim_mut(t, |a, t| {
        B.claim_mut(t, |b, _| {
            mem::swap(a, b);

The above code produces this machine code:

08000196 <EXTI1>:
 8000196:       f240 0000       movw    r0, #0
 800019a:       f2c2 0000       movt    r0, #8192       ; 0x2000
 800019e:       e9d0 1200       ldrd    r1, r2, [r0]
 80001a2:       3202            adds    r2, #2
 80001a4:       3101            adds    r1, #1
 80001a6:       e9c0 2100       strd    r2, r1, [r0]
 80001aa:       4770            bx      lr

080001ac <EXTI0>:
 80001ac:       f240 0200       movw    r2, #0
 80001b0:       21e0            movs    r1, #224        ; 0xe0
 80001b2:       f3ef 8011       mrs     r0, BASEPRI
 80001b6:       f381 8811       msr     BASEPRI, r1     ; enter I
 80001ba:       f2c2 0200       movt    r2, #8192       ; 0x2000
 80001be:       6813            ldr     r3, [r2, #0]
 80001c0:       3301            adds    r3, #1
 80001c2:       6013            str     r3, [r2, #0]
 80001c4:       f380 8811       msr     BASEPRI, r0     ; leave I
 80001c8:       f3ef 8011       mrs     r0, BASEPRI
 80001cc:       f381 8811       msr     BASEPRI, r1     ; enter II
 80001d0:       6853            ldr     r3, [r2, #4]
 80001d2:       3302            adds    r3, #2
 80001d4:       6053            str     r3, [r2, #4]
 80001d6:       f380 8811       msr     BASEPRI, r0     ; leave II
 80001da:       f3ef 8011       mrs     r0, BASEPRI
 80001de:       f381 8811       msr     BASEPRI, r1     ; enter III
 80001e2:       e9d2 1300       ldrd    r1, r3, [r2]
 80001e6:       e9c2 3100       strd    r3, r1, [r2]
 80001ea:       f380 8811       msr     BASEPRI, r0     ; leave III
 80001ee:       4770            bx      lr


That’s it for this post. I hope that you agree with me that the new system is simpler. Please give it a try and let me know what you think! If you need more convincing here are some open source applications that are using RTFM v2:

  • Cortex-M

    • 2wd, a remotely controlled wheeled robot
    • blue-pill, bunch of example apps for the Blue Pill development board
    • ws2812b, WS2812B LED ring controlled via a serial interface
  • MSP430

    • AT2XT, AT to XT Keyboard Protocol Converter

And of course there are always new features in the pipeline.

Thank you patrons! ❤️

I want to wholeheartedly thank:

Iban Eguia, Aaron Turon, Geoff Cant, Harrison Chin, Brandon Edens, whitequark, J. Ryan Stinnett, James Munns and 27 more people for supporting my work on Patreon.

Let’s discuss on reddit.


Creative Commons License
Jorge Aparicio